
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #24


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Reading Reality. It's a place to showcase any books I have purchased, borrowed, or been lucky enough to have been given an advance copy of. Hope you find something that looks interesting to you or that makes you remember a favorite book you need to finish. Enjoy your reading this week :)

Another cozy mystery on sale for 99 cents this week that I couldn't pass up. This is the first in the series which I like to start with if possible and looks like an original location. Who wouldn't love a Miss Fisher like mystery set on a beautiful French estate? 

I always gravitate to titles with anything Napoleonic Wars era. It is a time period I know little about and rare in historical fiction. While this is more of a story about a family and their troubles in the mid-1800's, it references back to the wars thirty years earlier. Set in Wales and written by a Welsh author it looks very unique. It is book one of the Carmarthen Chronicles. A veteran of the Napoleonic Wars recounts his years on the battle field to a younger friend. 

While out shopping for other things, I snuck into Half Price Books because I love to browse and see if I find anything I can't get on Kindle or just want to collect. I was so excited to find three Jean Plaidy books that I don't have. I started reading her books when I was in my 20's and I love to collect them. Some you can't even get at all anymore. This one is book 3 in her Catherine de Medici series. It was in perfect shape and looked hardly touched. For $7 it was a steal! 


  1. I don't know if you have read Georgette Heyer's 'An Infamous Army', which is set around the Battle of Waterloo. I read it as a teenager, and at that age found it a bit too heavy on the military side, and a bit too light on the romance! However it apparently had one of the best accounts of the battle available at that time, and so was used as a textbook at Sandhurst in the 1930s! It might be one you would enjoy.

    1. That is a book that I've had on my TBR list for awhile. Thanks for reminding me Michelle! I have heard that about it being more military than romance and that is fine with me as I'm not a romance reader. I will have to give it another try soon.

  2. I picked up a copy of The Infamous Army last week. Interesting to read it was used a s a textbook at Sandhurst! I'm halfway through War & Peace & there's a fair bit about Napoleon in that. :) It's been a much more engrossing read than I imagined it would be, too.

    1. I commend you for reading War and Peace! That is on my bucket list, lol, if I ever retire and have a bit more time. I am glad to hear you are enjoying it though :) fascinating about The Infamous Army being used as as textbook, wow.
