Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Covert in Cairo by Kelly Oliver: A Fiona Figg and Kitty Lane Mystery Book Two


Publication Date:

April 25, 2023


290 Pages


This was on my Summer 2024 list because its setting is Egypt. I love the cover too. This has just been a cozy mystery year for me. Due to some personal stress this last year these keep me lighthearted and are welcome at the end of a long, trying day. I especially enjoyed the setting of the pyramids, tombs, and Egyptian feel. So even though I hadn't read any other books in the series I started with this one for those reasons. 

Former nurse Fiona Figg and her young friend Kitty Lane are working undercover for the British Intelligence Office. Escorted by their companion, Captain Clifford Douglas, they travel to Egypt working from a tip left by the elusive spy Fredrick Fredricks (ridiculous name I know, but stick with me!). Soaking in the tourist vibe the girls and Clifford get to know some locals, and investigate a supposed plot to blow up the Suez Canal, although Fiona is unsure if this is a red herring planted by Fredricks to disguise an ulterior motive and keep her distracted. Fredricks seems to pop up everywhere unexpectedly and both Fiona and Kitty do not trust him. He seems to be working as both a German spy and possibly British Intelligence but who knows?

On a desert visit to a tomb, the group finds a French archaeologist dead, his head bashed in. Meanwhile, another special agent has gone missing. Fiona is sure the two incidents are related and at first suspects it has more to do with treasures. But clues lead everyone investigating to believe there are sinister motives that involve possibly Fredricks or one of the other colorful characters in Cairo. 

My Thoughts:

Don't let this series fool you into thinking it is simplistic. I found this book to be a wonderful mix of cozy mystery, great atmospheric description, and an intriguing mystery. But perhaps the most surprising thing of all was the humor woven into the story and character interactions. I love the Verity Bright Eleanor Swift books for the same reason and rank this one up there with one of the better cozy series. Fiona has a wonderful dry wit, Kitty is a secret spy who seems to be able to do any trick mission impossible style, and Fredrick Fredricks is the quintessential gentleman/spy. The book didn't drag or lose its appeal and the first half set the scene in Egypt with the second delving more into the mystery. 

Even more fun was the author's note at the end explaining some very interesting facts about the story (which I won't give away) that made me laugh and surprised me. I am excited to start more from this series. There are several books ahead of this one, but I want to first go back and read the inital books that only include Fiona. They set the background between her, Fredricks, and her love interest, Archie. Then the second series adds Kitty. You won't waste your time with this series if you enjoy cozies!

1 comment:

  1. I bought the first book in the original Kelly Oliver series a while ago but I haven't read it yet!

    Thanks for sharing your review with the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge, and for your ongoing participation!
