
Sunday, December 15, 2024

2025 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge (Hosted by Marg at The Intrepid Reader and Baker)


I am thrilled to be posting this! This will be the fourth time I am participating in this challenge and it is the one that I have kept up with consistently. Probably because I absolutely love historical fiction and as I've discovered this year, even more, historical mysteries (especially cozies). It has been a tough year for my family and this challenge and posts are just part of the way I stay happy and fulfilled with a fun hobby. 

This was the first place I posted as a new blogger too in January of 2022. So here's to a fun filled year of reading, reviewing, and seeing what others are reading. Thanks to Marg at The Intrepid Reader and Baker for always taking this on and the wonderful stats she posts every month.

I will be taking the category again of Ancient History where I'm challenged to read at least 25 historical fiction books. This is easy for me! Between my love of these books, the Read Christie challenge, and all the new reads coming out weekly 25 books is no problem. 

Side note: I find it humorous that the Classics Club offically designated the year 1974 as the cutoff now for classics. The book must be written in or before that year. I was born in 1974 and turned 50 this I'm now a classic!


  1. Good luck with this! I love this challenge too and will be taking part again next year.

    1. Thanks Helen! Same to you. You always find such unique historical fiction to review for the challenge.
