
Friday, December 13, 2024

Murder at Beechwood by Alyssa Maxwell (Gilded Newport Mysteries Book Three)


Publication Date:

May 26, 2015


Alyssa Maxwell


GIlded Newport Mysteries #3


306 pages

Book Description: (goodreads):

For Newport, Rhode Island’s high society, the summer of 1896 brings lawn parties, sailboat races…and murder. Having turned down the proposal of Derrick Andrews, Emma Cross has no imminent plans for matrimony—let alone motherhood. But when she discovers an infant left on her doorstep, she naturally takes the child into her care. Using her influence as a cousin to the Vanderbilts and a society page reporter for the Newport Observer , Emma launches a discreet search for the baby’s mother.

One of her first stops is a lawn party at Mrs. Caroline Astor’s Beechwood estate. But an idyllic summer’s day is soon clouded by tragedy. During a sailboat race, textile magnate Virgil Monroe falls overboard. There are prompt accusations of foul play—and even Derrick Andrews falls under suspicion. Deepening the intrigue, a telltale slip of lace may link the abandoned child to the drowned man. But as Emma navigates dark undercurrents of scandalous indiscretions and violent passions, she’ll need to watch her step to ensure that no one lowers the boom on her…

My Thoughts:

I started at the beginning with this series and have enjoyed it. This story revolves around a baby, murder, and a scandalous affair. The main character, Emma is unaware that the baby, the murders, and the Astors and Monroes are all related to the mess. From the beginning it was impossible to piece it all together and so I thought Maxwell did a great job of keeping us guessing. Not just about the murderer but the reasons behind the why. 

The baby being left on Emma's doorstep at the beginning of the story seems to be unrelated to the drowning of one of the prominent members of a sailing race at a party she attends. But as Emma and Derrick begin to follow the lead of just how the man drowned they uncover rabbit trails that lead them back to the baby and a second murder. Who is the baby's mother? Why was the driver of the carriage that perhaps delivered the baby dead? And furthermore, who would benefit from silencing the mother? 

As always, we are privy to the inner workings of the upper crust gilded society throughout the novel. Emma, being a distant relative of the Vanderbilt family has the inside scoop on things and being a reporter as well, has a great excuse for inquiring about details others might not get away with. Her rich cousins are always up for helping her out and giving her tidbits needed for clues.

I thought it was interesting that Maxwell included real events from Cornelius Vanderbilt's life and relationship with his wayward son, Neily, and also some true details about Vanderbilt's health promblems, stemming supposedly from his strife with his children. I was curious if any of that part was true and had to look it up!

These stories are always well written and great cozy escapism but this one was probably the least climactic of the ones I've read so far. The whole baby storyline was not that interesting to me and I found the Monroe family to be not well fleshed out in terms of character development. Emma didn't spend as much time as she has in previous books at fancy parties, etc. so we weren't treated to as much glamour I have been used to with these books. But I will continue with the series as the different mansions featured and time period are fascinating. I like Emma and Derrick's story and want to see how it develops. Also, Halllmark Movies and Mysteries has acquired these books and has already produced the first movie. More are coming in 2025. Pick up the first book, Murder at the Breakers if you haven't started them yet!

1 comment:

  1. How interesting that the books have already been adapted for a movie! Nice to see that happening with a historical mystery!

    Thanks for sharing this review with the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge.
