
Thursday, December 5, 2024

Why I Now Love Audiobooks and Can't Live Without Them

I haven't done much in the world of opinion posts the last two years. I think I focused more on challenges and reviews. I went back recently and re-read some of my opinion posts though and decided to write a new one about audiobooks. In 2022 I wrote one on Why I Dislike Audiobooks. Boy has life changed! Now I absolutely LOVE them! I still stand by my belief that reading is a harder skill than listening but have really changed my tune about audiobooks being worth my time. So here is my follow up opinion post listing five reasons I have grown to love them.

1. Time Savers- Life can get pretty crazy. I am a stickler for cleaning my house often and I'd love to be able to do that and also sit down and read every day. But there just isn't enough time to always do that. I have found audiobooks let me do both and that makes me happy. I get so much accomplished while listening to a great story. I absolutely love podcasts but sometimes I want to get into a book too.

2. Easier to find- I have found many audiobooks that I can't get in written form. Sometimes this is especially true with books from the UK. On Libby and Hoopla it seems like I find more audiobooks (Agatha Christie is one author) and so I go with them because I just don't want to wait or pay for the actual Kindle book. I end up enjoying it either way!

3. Interesting narration- I used to feel completely the opposite for this one. I have come to tolerate and now even enjoy the narration in audiobooks. It took awhile to get there as I found it kind of cheesy in the beginning. But now I appreciate the inflection in the narrator's voice and changes in the pacing. It makes the story fun if you just go with it.

4. Car Rides-  I never considered how much time I'd spend in the car as my teens became little mini adults with their crazy schedules of activities. Thank goodness  both of my boys drive as of this year but these last two years got me into audiobooks because I was in the car driving more than ever before. 

5. Escapism- This sounds worse than I mean it but.....sometimes it's nice to just put in my Air Pods and be left alone to immerse myself in a good story. My husband and boys are great readers...they just don't read. Ugh, drives me crazy! But they often don't appreciate how I can be reading and into a story and don't want to be interrupted. You know how this is fellow book lovers.
People think because you aren't talking you aren't doing anything. When I'm listening to a book they are more likely to leave me in peace. 

So that is why I've changed my mind about audiobooks. I can admit when I'm wrong and you love audiobooks? Or do you prefer to read only? 


  1. Interesting post! I've slightly changed my mind about audiobooks too. I still prefer to read physical books, but audiobooks make exercise a lot more bearable. I hate exercise. A good audiobook motivates me to get out of bed.

    1. Thanks A.J.....yes physical books are my favorite too. I love my Kindle for my eyes but there is something about holding a "real" book for sure! Great idea to listen while exercising. I do the same thing often.
