
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2025


First off.....I am wondering if I can get one of my three cats to pose like this? Lol....but seriously I love this Top Ten Tuesday post each year. Looking back I don't necessarily do well with these goals but I try! 

So here again in January are my bookish goals I hope to accomplish this year and I am excited to see how many I have in common with my fellow readers and bloggers. They are in no particular ranking order, just my thoughts. Thanks to Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for hosting this each week. Happy reading ya'll!

1. Read more history- I say this every year....I used to be such a straight up reader of history books. But darn if my fellow bloggers didn't get me hooked on historical fiction and now there are so many wonderful books out there I'm finding it impossible to read a dry history book.

2. DNF books after page 50- If I have devoted this much time and energy I need to stop. I'm 50 years old and have only so much time in life left to

3. Stop starting so many series- This will be sooooo difficult for me. I love series books but I have to be choosy because I can't possibly read all the books in every series I come across.

4. Spend more time reading and commenting on others' blogs- I absolutely love reading book blogs but often get absorbed in them and forget to comment too. I need to work on this!

5. Whittle down my TBR pile- I know we all have this goal. Enough said. Pick a book and finish it each month is a good start!

6. Give a chance to some new authors- Another goal I always have. I truly want to do this but it's hard when I need a good book from a trusted author I know won't disappoint me and waste my time.

7. Finish my actual paper books- I don't have many as at my age and with my eyesight getting worse each year I'm an avid Kindle user. But I have some great paper books you can't get on Kindle so I want to try to start them this year.

8. Post more consistently- I do post weekly and often more than once. But I don't want just reviews. There are so many fun weekly post ideas and challenges I want to get more involved with. It is just lack of time that causes me to have whole weeks where I don't post with intention.

9. Devote more time in my week to actually reading- This is another goal I'm sure I share with my fellow bloggers and readers.....spending a lot of time looking at new books but not enough time actually reading them. It's just so relaxing to scroll and dream :) 

10. Work on collections- Lately I've been wanting to scour more bookstores for books that are worth keeping in physical form. I'd love to own all of Jean Plaidy's works as they are hard to find and many other authors I've grown up loving. Just for fun. Just because. 


  1. I’m chuckling at the thought of you spending this year training one of your cats to pose like that. :D

    Yeah, I need to spend more time reading and less time scrolling social media and browsing, too.

    1. Lol Lydia! Yes it would be funny. I totally understand about the social media thing. I get so irritated with myself when I don't read and scroll all the time. It's so hard in our day and age to stop and have that quiet time! On the other hand, we have blogs so we have even more to do after we read!

  2. Book series are hard to avoid these days.

    Good luck!

    My TTT:

    1. Yes! They seem to be the thing with every book. I'm finding less and less stand alone novels anymore. I love series so much but then I feel pressured to read them all too.

  3. I need to track which series I have started...I had a list that was up-to-date before 2024, but I don't know that I wrote down when I started a new series. Sigh. Great goals!

    1. I want to do this too Cindy! Let me know if you find a good way to do it. I love making lists, so weird but I do. I started a list of ones I've read in series, ones I've only read the first book, and one in which I'd like to start. It's daunting!

  4. I'm with you on historical fiction. It's ruined me for boring history books. They at least need to be narrative nonfiction or I'm out! Ha ha. Good luck on all your goals!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Thanks Susan! Yes, I always was a straight history book person. But now I just love seeing the people come to life in these historical fiction books.

  5. My cats would never! LOL. I also need to go through my physical TBR and get it more under control. Good luck with these!

    1. Thanks! No mine would claw me to death first too, lol. Have a great week!
