Showing posts with label Top Ten Tuesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top Ten Tuesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set in Another Time


This week's theme for Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, is "Books Set in Another Time." Since that is practically all I read that is an easy topic for me! Here are my top ten favorites right now although I think with more time I'd probably change the list constantly. 

The link will take you to Goodreads if you are interested in the book. You won't be disappointed in any of these if they are in a genre you enjoy. Happy reading ya'll!

1. The Land Beyond the Sea by Sharon Kay Penman- Crusader period 1100's
2. Voyager by Diana Gabaldon- Scotland/Caribbean 1700's 
3. The Falcon of Palermo by Maria R. Bordihn- Sicily 1100's-1200's
4. The Iron King by Maurice Druon- France- 1300's
5. Gracelin O'Malley by Ann Moore- Ireland- 1800's
6. Death of a Stranger by Anne Perry- Victorian England- 1800's
7. Uneasy Lies the Crown by N. Gemini Sasson- Scotland- 13-1400's
8. Murder in Mesopotamia by Agatha Christie- England- 1900's
9. Highland Fling by Amanda Scott- Scotland- 1700's
10.Pirates and Patriots by David Field- Elizabethan England- 1500's

I could honestly have a list of 100 or more books here. I absolutely love historical fiction and most of the books I've listed also belong to a series in which all the books are great. This list was hard to whittle down!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Never Reviewed (but maybe I should!)


This week's theme for Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, is "Books I Never Reviewed." Wow....that is hard to narrow down to just ten. My blog is only three years old so there are plenty to choose from. Sometimes I think of reviewing my favorites that I read long ago but is that cheating when you run a book blog? I mean, do I have to have read it that week for it to count? It's an interesting thought. Go back and write reviews for books I read five years ago? Even with Outlander I re-read them before I reviewed them.

Anyway here are ten books I really enjoyed but haven't reviewed. Maybe I should! Happy reading ya'll!

**No covers displayed due to time, but the titles are linked to Goodreads if you want more information on one of these amazing books!

1. The Murder On the Links by Agatha Christie (Cozy Mystery)

2. The Six Wives of Henry the VIII by Alison Weir (History- British Biography)

3. Highland Spirits by Amanda Scott (Historical Scottish Romance)

4. Leaving Ireland by Ann Moore (Historical Irish Romance)

5. Poldark by Winston Graham (Historical Fiction Cornwall)

6. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Historical Fiction Russia )

7. Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon (Historical Fiction/Romance)

8. Celia Garth by Gwen Bristow (Historical Fiction set in Charleston)

9. Queen of This Realm by Jean Plaidy (Historical Biography of Elizabeth II)

10. Into Africa by Martin Dugard (History- Stanley and Livingstone's discovery)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2025


First off.....I am wondering if I can get one of my three cats to pose like this? Lol....but seriously I love this Top Ten Tuesday post each year. Looking back I don't necessarily do well with these goals but I try! 

So here again in January are my bookish goals I hope to accomplish this year and I am excited to see how many I have in common with my fellow readers and bloggers. They are in no particular ranking order, just my thoughts. Thanks to Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for hosting this each week. Happy reading ya'll!

1. Read more history- I say this every year....I used to be such a straight up reader of history books. But darn if my fellow bloggers didn't get me hooked on historical fiction and now there are so many wonderful books out there I'm finding it impossible to read a dry history book.

2. DNF books after page 50- If I have devoted this much time and energy I need to stop. I'm 50 years old and have only so much time in life left to

3. Stop starting so many series- This will be sooooo difficult for me. I love series books but I have to be choosy because I can't possibly read all the books in every series I come across.

4. Spend more time reading and commenting on others' blogs- I absolutely love reading book blogs but often get absorbed in them and forget to comment too. I need to work on this!

5. Whittle down my TBR pile- I know we all have this goal. Enough said. Pick a book and finish it each month is a good start!

6. Give a chance to some new authors- Another goal I always have. I truly want to do this but it's hard when I need a good book from a trusted author I know won't disappoint me and waste my time.

7. Finish my actual paper books- I don't have many as at my age and with my eyesight getting worse each year I'm an avid Kindle user. But I have some great paper books you can't get on Kindle so I want to try to start them this year.

8. Post more consistently- I do post weekly and often more than once. But I don't want just reviews. There are so many fun weekly post ideas and challenges I want to get more involved with. It is just lack of time that causes me to have whole weeks where I don't post with intention.

9. Devote more time in my week to actually reading- This is another goal I'm sure I share with my fellow bloggers and readers.....spending a lot of time looking at new books but not enough time actually reading them. It's just so relaxing to scroll and dream :) 

10. Work on collections- Lately I've been wanting to scour more bookstores for books that are worth keeping in physical form. I'd love to own all of Jean Plaidy's works as they are hard to find and many other authors I've grown up loving. Just for fun. Just because. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books I Read in 2024


Happy New Year's Eve 2024....what better way to end the year than with a Top Ten list. Thank you to Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for hosting. These are the best books I read in 2024. I am realizing how much I read books by certain, trusted authors and that are often a part of a series. I'd like to read new authors but have a hard time deciding where to start. 

It was interesting to go back and see that I spent the year with a lot more mysteries than I ever realized! 

What were your favorites? I hope you find many more ahead in 2025. 

1. When Christ and His Saints Slept by Sharon Penman 
2. The King's Commoner by David Field
3. Traitor's Arrow by David Field
4. Dark Clouds Over Nuala by Harriet Steel
5. The Virgin in the Ice by Ellis Peters
6. Covert in Cairo by Kelly Oliver
7. Secret of the Scarab by Isabella Bassett
8.The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie
9.Elephants Can Remember by Agatha Christie
10.The Crusades by Hourly History (review coming soon)

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: December Freebie- Books I Didn't Get To This Year (but wished I had)


This week's Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl is a December freebie topic. I decided to list books I wished I'd read but hadn't gotten to this year. It is possible I will get to some of them before January 1st but not likely. December is crazy when you are a teacher and a mother and I already have several books ahead of these now that I want to finish.  I think this is why I love blogging and reading others' blogs. We all have enormous piles of books we can't possibly finish. And that makes me feel semi-normal, lol. Happy Reading's to new goals for 2025.


(No time! But at least you can compare :) Let me know if you think one is worth adding to my current December 2024 list.         

1. The Seeker by S. G. MacLean

2. What Angels Fear by C. S. Harris

3. Death Down the Aisle (Lady Eleanor Swift Mysteries) by Verity Bright

4. The Hundred Years War by Hourly History Authors

5. Philippa of Hainault by Kathryn Warner

6. The Last Camel Died at Noon by Elizabeth Peters

7. A Murder is Announced by Agatha Chrisite

8. The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie

9. This Side of Murder by Anna Lee Huber

10. Christmas in Nuala (Inspector de Silva Mysteries) by Harriet Steel 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Oldest Published Books on my To Be Read List (By Year)


This week's Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl is books on your to be read pile that have the oldest publication dates. What a unique topic! I had fun going into my Kindle and looking on my bookshelf to see what I had. It was not what I'd expected and I'm finding I don't have as much interest in all of them as I did when they were purchased. 

My TBR pile is enormous at this point. I know I'm not alone.  Asking for ten TBR books is impossible with a true book lover as we have a million to sift through. Here is my list as close as I could get (no links or covers due to limited time, just the list for now). I am excited to read other bloggers' lists to compare and see what new titles look interesting!

1. Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen 1818

2. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas 1844

3. North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell 1854

4. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy 1873

5. The Circular Staircase by Mary Roberts Rinehart- 1908

6. The Cannon in Residence by Victor Whitechurch 1911

7. The Witness for the Defense by A.E.W. Mason 1914

8. Midwinter Murders by Agatha Christie 1920

9. The Spiral Staircase by Ethel Lina White 1933

10. The Sancturary Sparrow by Ellis Peters 1983

I am sure there are a few more classics and classic mysteries that fell into the list and I missed them but I tried! Happy Reading ya'll :) 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Plan To Read This Fall 2024


This week's Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl is books on your to be read pile this fall. I chose to title it "books I plan to read this fall." Call me obsessive but the word "plan" lets me off the hook if I don't get to them! And ten books by December 21st is a tall order for me right now. But here is what I'd read if I had all day to do it! No links as I didn't have time but at least I got a list out. Happy Fall ya'll :) 

1. The Virgin in the Ice by Ellis Peters- I am working my way through the Cadfael Chronicles over the years and this is the next in line. I am excited to to catch up and see what is going on with the monks of Shrewsbury.

2. The Agincourt King by Mercedes Rochelle- This is a new to me author I just discovered and I'm enjoying her topics. This one is of course about Henry V.

3. The Mirror Crack'd From Side to Side by Agatha Christie- This is the October Read Christie choice. I am waiting for the Libby copy to arrive!

4. Valley of the Kings by Cecilia Holland- This one is started already and I am loving it. It is the story of Howard Carter's discovery of King Tut's tomb in 1922. Holland is an author I've been meaning to read for a long time now. So far I'm loving her style of writing.

5. The Castle Abductions by David Field- This is the first book in his Tudor era mystery series. I've reviewed several of his historical fiction books on my blog. He is always informative and entertaining.

6. Henry V by Dan Jones- This seems to be very popular now even though it has yet to be released in the U.S. It will be out October 1st.  I love Jones' narrative style and have read many of his books. Looking forward to this one.

7. Death Down the Aisle by Verity Bright- I read these each season they are set in. This is the one for fall. My favorite cozy mystery series.

8. Betrayal at Ravenswick by Kelly Oliver - I read and reviewed this author's mystery Covert in Cairo recently and enjoyed it. Having jumped into the series without knowing the beginning backstory made me want to go back and get the very first book with these characters in it. I am trying not to do this again but it's hard when I like a certain setting and the covers suck me in too.

9. We Three Queens by Rhys Bowen- I received this book as an ARC from Net Galley. I plan to read and review it soon as it is being published in November. 

10. A Christmas Vanishing by Anne Perry- This is the last Perry Christmas novel. I am planning to read and review it early in November. It will be sad to see them end as she passed away recently. I just love these books each year at the holidays.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Books Involving Food


This week's Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl features books that involve food. I knew there was slim chance I'd have reviews for anything on this topic. It just isn't my thing. But it sounded like a fun challenge to find them anyway. 

When searching though, I discovered so many that I was excited! Who knew there was a whole community of book and foodie lovers out there who actually make lists of these books and seek them out for this reason. I think that is fascinating. Since I am not a big fan of books set in the present I was also glad to see some historical fiction food themed books. I will definitely be trying out a couple of them. Number ten is right up my alley. Here is my list! Happy Reading ya'll :) 

1. The Hannah Swenson Mysteries by Joanne Fluke. 

2. Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel

7. Babette's Feast by Isak Dinesen

8. The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister

9. Heartburn by Nora Ephron

10. John Saturnall's Feast by Lawrence Norfolk

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Books Whose Plots Involve Travel


This week's Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl features books that involve travel. This took some thinking to come up with ten. I tend to over think and so my running inner monologue went something like this..."how far is the traveling? Is it to another time and place? Another country? Down the block?" 

I decided it had to be at least characters traveling through time or to another country, across the ocean, etc. So that was my criteria. It will be fun to see others' lists and compare! Also, you could choose to focus on covers with planes, trains, and automobiles. That will be interesting as well. I'm not the best at adding just covers to my blog yet (not user friendly with this particular format) so I'm just going to make a list. If I reviewed it on my blog I have included the link. Happy Reading ya'll! :) 

1. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon- Because of course this one is my favorite with time travel throughout the whole series. 

2. The Seekers by John Jakes- This was a favorite of mine from Jakes' series about America. It includes the time of the Oregon Trail and the pioneers. That is traveling I love to read about. I probably need to re-read and review this wonderful book.

3. Into Africa by Martin Dugard- The amazing story of Stanley and LIvingstone's journey into the continent that fascinated the world. I absolutely loved this historical account of their journey. 

4. Crocodile On the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters- The first in the series and my favorite still. The journey down the Nile is so well written you feel like you are there. As usual, the original is the best!

5. Lionheart by Ben Kane- A great account of Richard I's journey on Crusade. It's part of a trilogy and well worth picking up.

6. Secret of the Scarab by Isabella Bassett- One of my favorite cozy mystery series of the year. The heroine and her eccentric Uncle are adorable and their journey to Egypt to uncover artifacts sees them caught up in of course, what else, but murder and mayhem. A fun read.

7. Murder On the Orient Express by Agatha Christie- This one has to be included on a list like this. Especially since it is train related. Not necessarily my favorite Christie book but a definite classic everyone should read.

8. Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick- A fabulous accounting of the Pilgrims' journey to America. It read more like a novel than a history book and that is the style I love best.

9. Leaving Ireland by Ann Moore- I really feel like this author has been overlooked. This is probably because she hasn't written a lot of books but her trilogy about a young girl, Gracelin O'Malley and her life during the 1840's potato famine in Ireland is well written historical fiction. This is the third book which I have yet to finish. 

10. Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brien- This is another classic book that I haven't read but plan to. I love sea voyage themed novels. Everyone says it is a good one. And the movie was excellent. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Favorite Books From Ten Favorite Book Series


This week's Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl features favorite books from favorite book series. I love, love, love to read series books! I despair that I will never be able to read them all so I try to be picky about which ones I carry on with. But I'm a sucker for them. So this was a fun topic for me this week.  I noted my favorite book of the series in parentheses. I'm short on time (first day of school tomorrow!) so no links but at least I was able to share my list with you! What series books are your favorites?

1. William Monk by Anne Perry (The Face of a Stranger)
2. Charlotte and Thomas Pitt by Anne Perry (Buckingham Palace Gardens)
3. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (Voyager)
4. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader)
5. The Kent Family Chronicles by John Jakes (The Rebels)
6. Cadfael Chronicles by Ellis Peters (One Corpse Too Many)
7. Lady Eleanor Swift by Verity Bright (Mystery By the Sea)
8. Plantation Trilogy by Gwen Bristow (Deep Summer)
9. Inspector De Silva Mysteries by Harriet Steel (Trouble in Nuala)
10. The Medieval Saga Series by David Field (The Conscience of a King)

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Debut Novels I Enjoyed


This was a fun topic for Top Ten Tuesday! It was honestly hard to choose and some of these I had forgotten about as I thought through which ones to pick. Some are classics, others current series, and some are Christian authors I read years ago as a teen. I think writing is brave and ambitious and something I don't know if I'd have the patience for. So hats off to these authors for taking a leap of faith and putting out a first book. 

1. The Sunne in Splendour by Sharon Kay Penman
2. Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
3. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
4. Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke
5. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
6. The Cater Street Hangman by Anne Perry
7. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
8. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
9. A Very English Murder by Verity Bright
10. The Heather Hills of Stonewycke by Michael Phillips and Judith Pella

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons I DNF'd a Book


Reasons I DNF'd (Did Not Finish) a Book

Well it has been awhile since I have posted for Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. I don't know why but these posts seem to take a lot of work and thinking for me. I love doing them but they are time consuming. Today I'm just going to make a list and join in! No book covers or titles, because I wouldn't want to actually name these books and discourage the authors. So here is my list as to why I didn't finish certain books. (You can decide if they are "petty" reasons as the original challenge is titled :) 

1. The terrible dialogue- I just can't with some of these modern books and inserting modern discussion into historical novels. Makes me want to toss the book across the room.

2. Too long- Don't get me wrong, I love an epic as much as anyone but some books just don't need to be 1,000 pages. You could cut it in half and still get the gist of the story.

3. The plot twists in a way I find unbelievable- Sometimes I'm halfway through a book and it just becomes too far fetched. I just can't buy into it anymore and want to stop reading.

4. I've figured out whodunnit quickly- When reading a mystery if I really think it's too easy I will skip to the end or just stop reading. This is terrible I know but I'm being honest, I do this!

5. Annoying Main Characters- I have to have some buy in with the main character. If I don't like them and I'm supposed to (meaning they aren't the villain) I don't always want to continue with the story.

6. Written in present tense language- This seems to be the new trend and I do not enjoy it! Give me the old fashioned narrator style.

7. A better book caught my eye- I do try to finish books I like before straying off to start a new one. But sometimes I come across a book I just have to begin reading today! And I ditch the other book and forget to get back to it. This is a bad habit to get into where you have all these half finished good books.

8. Politics enters the story- When I'm reading a good historical fiction book or mystery the last thing I want is someone preaching at me about modern day standards. So if I get the sense that is happening I'm apt to DNF that book quickly. It better have a realistic sense of the time or I'm out.

9. The story just moves too slowly- The book starts out strong and I'm really hooked. But halfway through I start realizing there is nothing new happening and the author is just rehashing and dragging out the ending. I confess this is when I start skimming, which I hate to do but sometimes you just have to.

10. Part of a series that isn't evolving- I absolutely love books that are part of a series. I know I'll never be able to read all of them but I love knowing the same characters are there if I want to meet them again. So I have to choose wisely and if a series is getting stale with the same plot lines told over again, I ditch it. And start another series. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2024


It is hard to believe that we are already here in January thinking about goals for 2024! Thanks as always to That Artsy Reader Girl for hosting Top Ten Tuesday each week. 

Some of my goals haven't changed since I last updated in October but it is always good to revisit them and see which ones to keep and which ones to let go of. Just knowing my blog is two years old is enough for me as I never thought beyond a month at a time when I started in January 2022. I hope your year of reading is rewarding whether you read one book or one hundred. It doesn't matter as long as you read what you love and continue to love to read. 

1.Drop the Classics Club

Hopefully this isn't forever. It is just something I have to do right now. It may not seem like a "goal" in the sense that I'm not striving towards something but it is a goal for me because I have a hard time letting things fall by the wayside. So my goal is to drop it and not feel guilty about it. I have tried and find myself dreading most of the titles I started out with. I guess a better way to phrase it would be to revise my list and pick it back up in the future. But it may be that for this time in my life, the classics just aren't for me.

2.Set aside daily reading minutes

You'd think this would be something I already do but it isn't. I read almost every day but it is very sporadic and unfocused and sometimes that really is all we can hope for. But I have found if I actually force myself to set aside a number of minutes to read I end up reading way more than I intend to. It's that idea of just get going and before you know it, you've read a whole chapter. 

3.Stay focused on the current book

This is a big one! While I will never be that person who reads only one book at a time, it is becoming clear that I need to force myself to work on one book in a reading session. I find myself reading a bit and then wanting to browse books online or skip to another book I want to start. But when I focus and work on the current book it is so rewarding when I finish it faster. 

4.Not care what others think of the books I'm reading

This goal will probably be included every time I write these goals. It is a big year for me...I turn 50 in July and sometimes I imagine I'm supposed to be this mature intellectual who only reads classics...see #1 it is good for me to reiterate to the what you love!! Just like friends, books can be for a season and time in your life that will change. It is okay not to be deep all the time. And it is okay to want to switch to something totally normally off your radar. My blog will always center around history and mysteries but there are so many variables within those genres that it includes many types and styles to try. I want to be happy with what I'm reading because when it becomes a chore, what is the point, right?

5.Keep my blog simple

One of my favorite things to do is browse other book blogs. There are so many creative people in the book world and I am in awe of the different styles and reviews. But I am not the most technology savvy person and I get overwhelmed trying to insert lots of pictures and graphics into my posts. So sometimes I just don't post at all for fear of being "boring." This year I'd like to write more and worry less about whether or not I am adding just the right colorful touches. Some of the best blogs I come across aren't fancy, but have fabulous content. If you take the time to just sit and read it.

6.Stop planning out my blogging schedule
While I will always have a general idea of what I'm going to write about each week (Stacking the Shelves, Can't Wait Wednesday usually) I spent 2023 often stressed about adhering to a certain posting and review schedule. I thought this would keep me on track, and it did, but it was also a lot to manage. I am glad I did it though because I discovered my own personal preferences about reading and blogging. I have busy weeks and slow weeks, like everyone else, and so I find that when I'm really busy I still get in a post or two but when I'm not busy I have great motivation to do more. I'm going to try to just go with the flow this year.

7.Interact more with fellow bloggers
Each week I check in with all of the blogs on my home page that I'm following. I absolutely love seeing the posts, reviews, and enjoy catching up on the ones who post about their personal lives. But I don't comment much and I should when possible. I realize this can get time consuming but you can just do a few each week and skip around. It is gratifying when people take the time to converse with you because blogging can be lonely if you feel like no one is reading your content. So this is a great goal for everyone!

8.Review only the books I want to review
When I first started this blog I never dreamed a real author would contact me. It was very exciting and humbling to have one ask me to read and review their books. And I thought initially I'd love to do this as a future goal. But I have realized that I just don't want my blog to be tied down to "have to's." Which is another reason I don't interact much with NetGalley anymore except to look for new books to promote. I have realized that while I love reading, reviewing, and promoting books I don't want to be in a position to promise someone I'll read and review their book when I either don't want to or don't have time to. It isn't fair to them or me. So I'm dropping the "have to" and will only review books I want to.

9.Go back to more actual physical books
While I love my Kindle, there is something different about paper books. I find when I'm reading them it is more personal. Due to my age and deteriorating eyesight my Kindle is so important to have. And when I go on vacations it is essential for space management. But I always want to keep at least one physical, paper book going to remind me of what reading was like when I was younger. I miss it. And so I'm going to see if I can do more of it when I'm home and have the right lighting!

10.Keep my book stack to three books or less at a time
This seems to be the sweet spot for me! A physical book and two Kindle books. I have played around with more or less and I always seem to come back to three at a time. I usually have one historical cozy mystery book, one more serious historical fiction book that is long and detailed and takes months to finish, and a shorter historical fiction book that I can read and review within a span of a week. Then I throw in a straight history book every month or so but I'm not finding I'm as interested in that genre as often as I used to be. This is a good goal for me to continue as I do get bored reading only one book at a time but have a tendency to take on way too many if I don't set a limit. 

I look forward to reading all about my fellow bloggers' bookish goals for 2024. I hope everyone has a wonderful year!!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: My Ongoing Reading Goals


First of cute is this kitten? But to my goals....I made my top ten list of reading goals for 2023 in January and it was fun to check back in to see how I'm progressing. That is, fun until I realize I'm not meeting a lot of them. But that's okay. My blog is to promote books and the pleasure of reading so I'm not going to stress that I am not doing everything I set out to and make a list with some old and new goals. And as always, thanks to That Artsy Reader Girl, for hosting Top Ten Tuesday each week!

1. Read more history- Well, this has not been my strong suit this year for sure. I have been so incredibly busy with my teenagers, job, home life with hubby, etc. that straight history has taken a backseat to cozy mysteries and authors I am already comfortable with. The last one I reviewed was Josephine, in April and I have read a couple that I didn't review. But this is one area I'd like to work on going forward. 

2. Read more from my Classics Club list- I joined the Classics Club in January and was so excited to create my list. Then when I started choosing books from it, the excitement waned. I don't know if it's just my crazy, busy life right now or if I just don't want to read them but it has been a real struggle. So I'm going to keep trying and maybe revise my list too. If I just can't get going on it then it may be something I decide to drop in 2024. Reading 50 classic books in 5 years is definitely harder than it looks! So far I've read and reviewed 7 of them so that is something to celebrate but not nearly enough to make my end goal.

3. DNF more books- I have gotten so much better at this in 2023. I am still trying to remind myself that life is too short and there are just too many good books out there to keep reading ones I don't like. So this has been something I'm really striving to do.

4. Try new authors- I have tried and enjoyed many new authors this year but still gravitate to my favorites. I have to remind myself that when reviewing books it is good to have a variety of selections or people will get bored with your blog. Then again, it's my blog so I need to read and review what I like, right? Thanks to my blogger friends out there though I've discovered some great new writers so I'm going to keep trying to branch out.

5. Be okay with taking a long to time to finish a book- I have literally been reading Penman's Lionheart for over 6 months. And it's not because it's a struggle or I'm forcing myself. If anything, it's because I love it so much that it is taking me awhile. Sometimes I get frustrated that I can't read it faster but so be it. If an epic novel takes a whole year to read and absorb I'm trying to be okay with that, and just enjoy it.

6. Ditch Net Galley more- This goal might seem strange to my fellow bloggers but here is what I mean.....sometimes I go onto Net Galley and feel pressured to pick something. But often I find I'm just choosing books because they are new. And then requesting them and dreading reading them. I am vowing not to do that anymore. If something looks truly interesting to me, I'll request it. If not, then log out and go find an older book, classic book, or yet another sequel book by an author I love. Trying to read and review all the new, shiny books is stressful!

7. Quit picking books based off the cover- So sometimes this can be fun and rewarding. But often, shiny pretty covers do not equal good books. I just get hooked in by the style and pictures. So I'm going to force myself to really examine the content more. We will see if I'm able to stick to this though :) I'm a sucker for beautiful book covers!

8. Set a daily reading minutes goal and stick to it- I've tried to be casual about my reading and just go with the flow but with life getting in the way I think choosing a daily minutes goal would be good for me. Even if it's just 20 minutes it will keep me on track on the busiest days. While I always want to read, it can sometimes be hard to do much of it when I don't plan to sit down and be quiet and focus.

9. Be okay with having several books going at once- Sometimes I'm good at this but often I feel like reading books piecemeal is somehow "wrong." Then I remember this is okay because forcing yourself to read just one book at a time can be frustrating when your mood is just not into that particular book that day. So I'm going back to reading whatever, whenever, as long as it's a book I'm enjoying.

10. Not care what others think of my reading- This is hard for me. I vacillate between wanting to read deep, thoughtful books and something light and airy. When I was younger,  I thought it was somehow a waste of time to read books that weren't teaching me something. Now as I get older I've discovered you don't have to be so deep all the time. It's probably from growing up with parents who really instilled a love of reading for educational purposes and weren't big fiction readers unless it was a classic book. I love and appreciate them for that but I'm finding with our world so intense these days, cozy books and lighthearted historical fiction is so good for the soul sometimes. So I'm going to enjoy whatever works for me and so should everyone else!