Showing posts with label World War I. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World War I. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2025

Murder at Wedgefield Manor by Erica Ruth Neubauer (Book Two: A Jane Wunderly Mystery)


Publication Date:  March 31, 2021

Genre: Cozy Historical Mystery

Series: Jane Wunderly

Length: 304 pages

Book Description (GoodReads):

In the wake of World War I, Jane Wunderly- a thoroughly modern young American widow-is traveling abroad, enjoying the hospitality of an English lord and a perfectly proper manor house, until murder makes an unwelcome appearance . . . 

England, 1926: Wedgefield Manor, deep in the tranquil Essex countryside, provides a welcome rest stop for Jane and her matchmaking Aunt Millie before their return to America. While Millie spends time with her long-lost daughter, Lillian, and their host, Lord Hughes, Jane fills the hours devouring mystery novels and taking flying lessons-much to Millie's disapproval. 

But any danger in the air is eclipsed by tragedy on the ground when one of the estate's mechanics, Air Force veteran Simon Marshall, is killed in a motorcar collision. The sliced brake cables prove this was no accident, yet was the intended victim someone other than Simon? The house is full of suspects-visiting relations, secretive servants, strangers prowling the grounds at night-and also full of targets. 

The enigmatic Mr. Redvers, who helped Jane solve a murder in Egypt, arrives on the scene to once more offer his assistance. It seems that everyone at Wedgefield wants Jane to help protect the Hughes family. But while she searches for answers, is she overlooking a killer hiding in plain sight?

My Thoughts:

I have read books one and four in this series and went back to see how book two unfolds. It was good that I did because the relationship between Jane and her love interest, Redvers, really blossoms in this book. The plot wasn't terribly involved and I felt the narration was a little forced in that there weren't enough red herrings and suspects as well as crimes to warrant some of the lengthy musings of Jane. It also didn't take place in an exotic location like the other books, which is the appeal of this series. But I still enjoyed the story.

Lord Hughes, their host at Wedgefield Manor, is suspected of cutting the brakes on his handyman's car, which results in his death.  Jane just doesn't buy it. She smells a rat elsewhere but has a hard time convincing the local inspector. She and her fiance set out to find another alternative, and in the midst of investigating consider his daughter, niece, and the other few guests and staff of the mansion. Most of the book is your typical cozy mystery, them searching for clues, wondering who could be guilty, and in the end wrapping things up neatly. 

I consider this book a transition to the next book three more than an extra exciting sequel. But I wouldn't skip it if you want to continue with this series as I do. It fills in gaps about the characters and I think Neubauer has done a good job making me care about them. I am really looking forward to book three, Danger On the Atlantic, in which Jane and Redvers travel back to her home in America. Then the other books take place in different countries again. It should be a fun time!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Villainy in Vienna by Kelly Oliver (A Fiona Figg Mystery Book 3)


Publication Date:

January 20, 2022


Cozy Historical Mystery


Fiona Figg Mystery Book 3


260 pages

Book Description (GoodReads):

1917 Vienna.
File clerk turned British agent Fiona Figg is more comfortable wearing a fake mustache than a ballgown.
When a royal ball ends with a royal body in the middle of the dancefloor, Fiona trades her dancing slippers for practical oxfords and sets out to investigate.
As she tracks her nemesis, the Black Panther, from Vienna to the Austrian countryside, a hunting accident makes her rethink her loyalties.
Can Fiona prevent the Black Panther from striking again, save her own skin, and find a decent cup of tea, all before the enemy's emperor realizes she's a spy?

My Thoughts:

Having read these books in order (a feat for me!) book 3 was a lot of fun now knowing the characters better. While there wasn't a ton of murders or super intricate details going on to solve in this one, the political intrigue combined with the quirky personas involved made it a good book. Once again, Fiona is hot on the trail of her nemesis, notorious spy Fredrick Fredricks. He is always one step ahead of her though and continues to get in her head and see through her disguises. While Fiona is not the least bit interested in him romantically and only has eyes for fellow British spy Archie, she admits Fredricks is handsome and charming in his own way.

She is in Vienna to keep an eye on him and other players on the British side, and report any suspicious behavior to the British war office back home. When the story begins she attends a royal ball where a death occurs, setting things in motion. She befriends an eccentric woman, helps find the culprit in the kidnapping of the lady's dog, and eventually, has to outsmart some of the shady male diplomats around her while trying not to draw too much attention to herself. We meet the real Emperor and Empress of Austria which I found to be a wonderful side story.

I think that is what has kept me coming back to this series. The author does a good job of weaving in real historical characters and World War I information while keeping things light and humorous. I learned a bit about the war again, Vienna's royal society during the time, and was reminded that Fredrick Fredricks was indeed a real person. The next set of books in this series take on a second main character, Kitty, and I will pick up with it soon. They are a good break from serious books.

Friday, November 15, 2024

High Treason at the Grand Hotel by Kelly Oliver (Fiona Figg Mysteries Book 2)


Publication Date:

January 5, 2021


276 pages


Fiona Figg is back in action, this time in Paris. In book one she disguised herself to find a killer and found she liked playing the part of a man in order to infiltrate circles she couldn't, this being 1917 and all. Tasked with watching the notorious spy, Frederick Fredricks, she goes against her war department rules to watch from a distance. Fiona once again disguises herself to get closer. Unfortunately, she also ends up accused of murder and in her bumbling, stumbling way manages to involve a whole host of others as well. 

There are also many subplots going on. She investigates another seemingly unrelated murder involving a housekeeper, befriends a mysterious, exotic German singer, Mata Hari and continues her romantic flirtation with the soldier she meets in book one. Relying on her instincts often, she manages to unmask the killers, find stolen jewels, and stay one step ahead of Fredericks. She is patient and loyal to her friend, Clifford Douglas, from the War Department who is clearly smitten with her and always there to lend a hand. The romantic feeling isn't mutual but Fiona is appreciative of his help when she is in a jam. Fiona has so many things going on in this book that it is remarkable it all comes together in the end. 

My Thoughts:

This book was complicated. Despite the look of it, it really took some concentration to keep all the characters and subplots straight. Fiona is always witty and funny and endearing but especially so this time. I was surprised at how much the author was able to pack into one story and have it come out making sense. The interaction with Fredericks is entertaining and even though he seems to stay one step ahead of her, she is able to rattle his plans often. The reader is always left a little unsure of where his loyalties lie and since I've already read a book later in the series I know this doesn't change. Perhaps the author is waiting until the end of the series to reveal who he really is and what side he is on. In this book we assume he is the big, bad German spy who is helping to blow up ships during the Great War. But one is not completely convinced. 

I will be continuing with this series as I have really grown to like these characters. There is one more and then it switches to the second set involving Fiona and Kitty, someone she meets along the way. I hope the author continues it for awhile. She also adds some history about WW 1, the setting feels authentic, and convincing. It is a great cozy mystery series!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Can't Wait Wednesday: The Romanov Brides by Clare McHugh (A Novel of the Last Tsarina and Her Sisters)


For this week's Can't Wait Wednesday, hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings, I'm featuring The Romanov Brides by Clare McHugh. It's about Princess Alix of Hesse and her sister Ella and their tragic fate at the hands of the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution. While I know every part of their story, having been obsessed with it all years ago, I am always up for reading another novel about the Romanovs, especially these sisters. I hope you have found something you can't wait to read!

March 12, 2024

Historical Fiction

Description courtesy of Net Galley

From the author of A Most English Princess comes a rich novel about young Princess Alix of Hesse—the future Alexandra, last Empress of Imperial Russia—and her sister, Princess Ella. Their decision to marry into the Romanov royal family changed history.

They were granddaughters of Queen Victoria and two of the most beautiful princesses in Europe. Princesses Alix and Ella were destined to wed well and wisely. But while their grandmother wants to join them to the English and German royal families, the sisters fall in love with Russia—and the Romanovs.

Defying the Queen’s dire warnings, Ella weds the tsar’s brother, Grand Duke Serge. Cultivated, aloof, and proud, Serge places his young wife on a pedestal for all to admire. Behind palace gates, Ella struggles to secure private happiness.

Alix, whisked away to Russia for Ella’s wedding, meets and captivates Nicky—heir apparent to the Russian throne. While loving him deeply, Alix hears a call of conscience, urging her to walk away.

Their fateful decisions to marry will lead to tragic consequences for not only themselves and their families, but for millions in Russia and around the globe.

The Romanov Brides is a moving and fascinating portrait of two bold and spirited royal sisters, and brings to vivid life imperial Russia—a dazzling, decadent world on the brink of disappearing forever. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

No Graves As Yet: World War I Book 1 by Anne Perry

Publication Date: August 26, 2003

Length: 384 pages

Anne Perry is one of my favorite authors. I can always turn to one of her books if I'm going through a reading slump and need to jump start my interest in books again. I have been reading her Thomas Pitt, William Monk, and Christmas mysteries for over 20 years. I don't know why I took so long to read this first book in her WWI series because I've had this book for years. At first I thought it wasn't a mystery but it is. Also, it combines some history of the war which is always a plus. So I'm glad I finally decided to give this a try.

Joseph Reavley is a Cambridge professor who has enjoyed a so far idyllic life along with this brother, sister, and parents, all who are oblivious in the summer of 1914 just how much their world is about to change. He receives shocking news that his parents have been killed in what appears to be an automobile accident and his brother Matthew who is in the intelligence service, lets him know that their father had planned to deliver an important document that could greatly impact England and the world. His father, being a retired member of Parliament, was in a position to see that the information ended up with those who could protect the nation from further harm and ridicule. 

As Joseph and Matthew begin to investigate the car crash they realize it was likely foul play and find the timing very questionable. They hesitate to share their findings with anyone, including their sister as they don't want to alert the wrong people to their discoveries before they've had a chance to determine what happened. Simultaneously, one of Joseph's promising University students, Sebastian, is killed and his death also begins to appear suspicious. Not knowing it all might be related, Joseph, trying to work through his personal grief at all the tragedies, while sleuthing, along with the realization that the world is on the brink of war, is cracking apart. He doesn't know who to turn to for help, who to believe, or what to do but he knows something is terribly wrong, close to home, and with the nation and the world as well.

This book was very different from any of Perry's previous ones. She still has the mystery to solve and spends time in the characters' heads, showing them pondering through deep questions and trying to make sense of things but this book felt more like historical fiction than crime. Knowing it is part of an ongoing series that sees each year of the war and the Reavley siblings part in it means I realized that it is a family saga as well. The actual mystery felt a bit more like drama than suspense as Joseph and Matthew talk to friends of the family and officials about what everyone thinks might have happened.

I can see the positives in the book and I can appreciate Perry trying something new, but I'm not sure this series is for me. I was hoping for a bit more history with the war thrown in and the way it developed felt like it dragged, rehashing the same thoughts over and over again. Some of the way the characters behaved was also a little melodramatic, with too much agonizing over what to do next. There wasn't the feel of a "detective" that you get with the Pitt and Monk novels, nor was there the Christmas spirit that runs through her holiday books. Reading the comments I know some people really love this series and have become attached to the characters so I'm sure it continues to improve. I also thought the resolution was very far fetched. It was surprising to see the answers behind it all because it really stretched the imagination to think it could be true. 

I'm not sure if and when I'll read the next book in the series, Shoulder the Sky. I already bought it on sale so I have it and will probably tackle it eventually. But this will go last on my list for her series for me. The others are worth your time first if you are looking to start reading her works.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Queen Victoria's Granddaughters: 1860-1918 by Christina Croft

Publication Date:  October 28, 2013

Length:  423 pages

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 out of 5 stars


All my life I've been obsessed with Queen Victoria. It amazes me how many lives she influenced as queen and as the grandmother of an empire. She and her descendants linked countless nations through marriages and children and their personal sagas provide endless material for writers.  They endured highlights and hardships most of us cannot fathom. And at the end of an era it all came crashing to a halt with the fading of the Imperialist age. Christina Croft is excellent and so knowledgeable about this time period. 


This book spans the years before and during World War I, culminating with the painful and tragic end of Alix and Ella, the two unfortunates who ended up in Russia during the Revolution. Queen Victoria  produced  twenty-two granddaughters, five of which became monarchs through their marriages:  Maud of Norway, Empress Alix of Russia, Sophie of Greece, Marie of Romania, and Ena of Spain. The author includes details about each granddaughter with a family lineage synopsis at the beginning of each chapter. Although more information is naturally found surrounding the more well known women, lesser known granddaughters are equally covered with details about their personal lives and interactions with the Queen. As the twentieth century dawns, the lives of all the women are changed and altered in ways both good and bad. The book moves in a chronological time order so that we see history unfold along with their personal lives. The family dramas, alliances, and feuds are covered in detail so that the reader has a sense of the anguish and sadness that was present surrounding the shifting loyalties between relatives who only yesterday were loving family.  


Pretty much all of it! The quick reminder before each chapter of who's who in the family is a great help to keeping everyone straight. There are so many marriages and babies etc. not to mention romantic entanglements between family members that you need this quick update every few pages. I especially loved that I was learning history along with the personal stories of the women. While the book focuses on them, it never strays from their importance in the historical timeline. By the end of the book one will know the major events going on in the world that contributed to the downfall of these various countries and kingdoms ruled by the husbands or relatives of the women. Croft does a good job of moving the book along while being sure to include personal details of all the women. It is an ambitious task to cover this many people equally and with I'm sure a scarcity of primary sources for all of them. 


I have to confess I didn't really care about some of the women. While I appreciate the idea behind the book I'd like to see Croft tackle the biographies of just the five monarch granddaughters. She has written about so many of Victoria's relatives and offspring that I know she'd be great at this. It has already been done in Julia Gelardi's excellent book, Born To Rule, but still, I'd love to read Croft's take on the same subject. Other than this, there isn't much negative to take away here.

RECOMMEND? OR NOT? Yes, absolutely! If you have any interest in the British monarchy, reasons for the start of World War I, or in Queen Victoria herself I highly recommend this book or anything by Croft. 

Friday, August 19, 2022

Shattered Crowns: The Scapegoats 1913-1914 by Christina Croft


Publication Date:  July 26, 2011

Length: 360 pages

I first discovered Christina Croft when I read her biography of Princess Alice, Queen Victoria's daughter, and the mother of Tsarina Alexandra of Russia. I thought it was interesting that she had written a whole book on the subject of Alice because I hadn't found another one. With her Shattered Crowns series she takes on the subject of World War I in a unique way and is one of the few authors who has written historical fiction about the Great War that isn't straight battles and strategy. I wanted to know about the major players, their thoughts, their inner struggles, and also the why behind the causes of the war. I feel like World War II is overrepresented in print and media and World War I is often forgotten. So many people can tell you who the "bad" guys are for World War II but have almost no understanding of who they were in the first war. Croft puts a very real, human face to the monarchs and rulers of the day and how their demise came about.

The Scapegoats is part one of the series. It begins in 1913, the year before that fateful summer of 1914 and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. Their deaths would set off a chain of events that spiral into war. Franz Ferdinand and his Uncle, Emperor Franz Josef, disagree on the marriage of Ferdinand to Sophie, a commoner, and the inability of their children to inherit the throne of Austria due to their union. It is a first glimpse into the ruling dynasties that will play a part in the story. Franz Ferdinand is the face of modernity and change while his Uncle is staunchly aligned with the past and its structured rules and norms. 

Despite the fact that most of the monarchies of Europe were related through their grandmother, Queen Victoria, it does not seem to create a spirit of love and harmony.  Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany is portrayed as a man who is in constant rivalry and insecurity with his cousins, Tsar Nicholas and King George V. Queen Marie of Romania seeks to foster peace between many of her relatives to no avail.  We follow the thoughts and motivations of each as Croft skillfully switches between chapters covering differing locations. The background to the war builds throughout the book as we see conflicts between the cousins become serious breakdowns of communication and petty jealousies are resurrected. The slow burn of simmering frustration continues and though it is hoped by all that deadly conflict will be avoided, sadly it isn’t. 

Croft posits a theory that Kaiser Wilhelm has been greatly maligned and that he is a sympathetic figure. She recreates his inner turmoil and desperation as he waits for his cousin Nicholas to come around to his side and way of thinking. Most of the material I had read about Wilhelm up until this book had been from the point of view of his relatives who saw him as haughty and arrogant, creating trouble wherever he went. Here he is to be pitied and seen as someone who tried everything to stop the coming conflict. It is an interesting, new way to see him. One I had never considered. Croft does an excellent job of establishing evidence for her case. I found myself researching things he said or did many times because I was surprised I hadn't heard about it before.

You really have to read all three books to appreciate this series. After book one you only reach the stalemate between Germany and Russia and aren't even fully into the war yet. The next two books will take you through the war and its aftermath. Croft's ideas about who is actually pulling the strings and why are intriguing and again, something I hadn't thought about much. Whether or not you agree with her is irrelevant because the story is compelling on its own. She makes you feel like you know these people personally and there are none who are portrayed as total villians. Rather I ended up extremely sad for all of them and for humanity, knowing that these cousins, aunts, and uncles couldn't find a way to avoid the destruction of so many lives. This was the first book on this subject that gave me a clear understanding of it all.