Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2023


This week's Top Ten Tuesday is all about bookish goals for the year. And I love it. Goals are definitely my thing. They keep me on track and give me a purpose. Since this blog is totally optional in my life it is the kind of thing that can fall by the wayside. And since I have to read continuously for it I am all about setting goals for what, why, and when I'm going to do that. But having said that, I always knew I didn't want my reading life to become a chore or a slave to blogging about the books. That's no fun. So my goals should include realistic expectations that don't feel too confining. Here are my top ten bookish goals for 2023.

1. Read more history. 
I love historical fiction. But lately I'm finding myself drawn back to straight history books too. Sometimes I just want to know the facts without wading through dialogue, plots, and character drama. I miss the straightforwardness of history books and plan to work those into my reading life again on a more regular basis.

2. Finish books I've already started.
Now don't get me wrong....I'm not going to continue to torture myself with books I started and abandoned because I didn't care for them. That feels like work. But there are several books sitting in my Kindle that are really good, I enjoyed them, but quit for some reason or another and need to get back to and complete. Those need to go at the top of my TBR pile, stat. 

3. Be more focused.

I think one of the reasons I love interacting with other book lovers is that only they understand the excitement of looking through the possibilities of all the books out there. The beautiful covers, the new ideas and information to be gained, the feeling of accomplishment when you finish an epic novel. Most people I know don't care and don't think about these things. I find it hard to get organized and focus on what my reading plan is going to be when I'm always looking at new material. I'm wanting to get better about loving books but knowing what I can and can't tackle realistically with my work, family balance. Hopefully my fellow bloggers will give me some tips on how they do it :) 

4. Try new authors.

This is one I struggle with a LOT. I am loyal to my favorite writers: Gabaldon, Penman, Perry, Plaidy, Weir.....it is hard for me to branch out. I often would rather re-read one of the Outlander books than go with a book being published in the current year. I think I always feel like, what if I try new books and authors and waste my time when I could be reading tried and true stories by people I already love? But the way I discovered these authors was by being willing to try their books in the first place. I need to remember that when I'm hesitant to go with someone new.

5. Stick to my classics goal.

I recently joined the Classics Club and I made a goal to read 50 classic novels in 5 years. While this sounds like a long time, if you do the math, it's really not. That's roughly a book per month give or take. So I need to make it a goal this year to stay on track by reading and reviewing one classic book per month. I can skip maybe a month or two but if I skip anymore, I'm already behind. And these are books I consider important to have read so this is a goal I'm going to work hard to keep!

6. Stop worrying if some books take longer.

This sort of piggybacks on goal #2. I think the reason I abandon some books I'm enjoying is that I feel like I'm not reading them fast enough and I need to finish something already! For example, I'll start a long 600-800 page book, be really enjoying myself and along about page 250 get stuck, realizing I'm barely a third of the way through it. I can get discouraged and stop reading to focus on a shorter book I can finish in a few days. This is partly so I have a new book to review but it's also because I feel like if it takes too long to finish a book I'm not reading it correctly. But that's ridiculous. I spent 6 months finishing Devil's Brood, (another Penman book of course!) and I enjoyed it immensely. The fact that I read many short books in between and didn't rush it only added to my deep understanding of the story. It's okay to read long books in spurts. 

7. Be selective about NetGalley requests.

From the other bloggers I've read, I'm not alone in this goal. I only discovered NetGalley a year ago when I started my blog and I was excited to know I could request books that hadn't been published yet. It's heady. But after a few months I began to notice I was dreading the idea of reading and finishing some of the books I'd requested. If a publisher is allowing me to request it and I don't read it in a timely manner, I don't think that's very fair of me to the author who has worked so hard on their material. And even though you do want to keep a certain score in order to continue to be considered for future books, what good does it do to request books you just can't finish? Resist the urge!

8. Sort all my books on Goodreads or in some system.

This one is HUGE for me! I have wanted to do this for awhile. My books are sorted by author or subject in my Kindle but there are lists other places like Libby, Hoopla, etc. not to mention my few hard copy books on my shelves (I don't have many as my eyes don't do well with real books). I want to sort them into lists of TBR or want to buy, etc if I don't already own them. This will take awhile and will probably both simultaneously stress me out and make me feel accomplished. 

9. Give up on books that don't interest me.

I fully realize that books speak to us at different times in our lives. There are books I've picked up as a 25 year old and had zero interest in that now I absolutely love as a 40ish year old. But then there are the books that I just know in my gut I will never, ever be interested in and why did I buy them? Impulse. I'm getting better at taming this but in 2023 I want to get them off my radar and quit feeling like a slacker because I'm just not interested in reading them. 

10. Get more creative with blog topics. 

One of the most interesting things I've found throughout my first year of book blogging is the variety of topics you can discuss. When I started I kind of just wanted to join a challenge to read more and write down my thoughts about the books. Then as I gradually got more reviewing under my belt and read more blogs I started to notice that while everyone reviews, not everyone reviews as often as others. And some book blogs are a lot of fun to read when they haven't posted a review that week at all. Their thoughts on bookish topics are relatable to me and witty and all the things without having to review all the time. I'd like to continue to find ways to promote and discuss reading without everything having to be reviews, reviews. But of course....you gotta have those or what's the point? So again, balance and trying new things.

What are your bookish goals for this year? Even if it is to read 5 minutes a day, or one book a month....I think that's great! We are all at different places but reading is fundamental, as they say, to keeping your mind sharp. Make a goal and get started!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton


Publication Date: October 14, 1905

Length: 236 pages

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆

This was my second book for the Classics Club and also one of my January Historical Fiction Reading Challenge choices. I've had it in my Kindle forever and always wanted to tackle it. I sort of have a love/hate relationship with some of the classics: when I am immersed in the story, I really love it. But when I want to just zone out and am tired I get stressed about reading them because they require so much concentration. This book was not terribly difficult but it did stretch my vocabulary and made me ponder some deep ideas about life and what is important. And that is why the classics are, well, classics! 

Lily Bart is faking her way through life when we meet her at the beginning of the story. She is twenty-nine years old (a veritable Old Maid by the standards of the day) and looking desperately for a husband who can keep her styled in the manner she has become accustomed to. She is attracted to Lawrence Selden, a friend who is privy to the society she revolves in, but cannot act upon this attraction as he is not wealthy enough to suit her. While this sounds shallow and cruel, it is honest, and Lily does not pretend otherwise. She sets her sights upon the well to do Percy Gryce, despite the fact that she is not in love with him and finds him to be a tedious bore. Her desperation to continue to fund her lifestyle choices, including debts incurred from the game of bridge, cause her to ignore her feelings for Selden and nearly marry Gryce. 

Just when she is set to accept a proposal from Gryce, Lily is the subject of scandalous rumors which serve to change his mind about marrying her. Adrift again and in debt, Lily begins to involve herself with the husband of her friend Judy, igniting consequences which will later prove to be disastrous. As she continues down this path she finds she is becoming persona non grata in the upper echelons of society and as she resorts to spending time with other "friends" who are further down the ladder of wealth and importance, her reputation suffers.

When an unexpected opportunity to go on a cruise with her wealthy friends arises, Lily accepts and things turn against her. She tries to redeem herself in other ways and continues to find people to support her, even a man who proposes marriage, but each time her bad decisions and vacillation between what she wants and what is possible serve to complicate her life with tragic results.

I found this story to be a bit depressing. It is well written of course, as most classics are, and the vocabulary of these writers from long ago always amazes me. Almost from the start of the book I didn't care for Lily. She seems shallow and entitled, as if the finer things are owed to her because she expects them. I can see how some of my feelings are clouded by the time and social class I live in and that the point of the story is to see how money and status are fleeting, and not something to be pursued at the expense of one's own happiness and obtained by giving your soul to the highest bidder. I guess I didn't feel sorry for her in the sense that she had opportunities for what she wanted but continued to squander them. Without giving away too much of the later part of the book, I'll just say that her downward spiral wasn't entirely surprising.

I do like the peek into the customs and expectations of the time. My great grandmother, who I knew well, was born in 1904 so right around the time this book was published. Of course she was not rich or even a city dweller but it is fun to see what life would have been like for a well bred young woman of her day. There were not a lot of options if you wanted to have a nice, carefree life. Marriage as quickly as possible to a man of means was a necessity. But when I think of my great grandmother's life in rural Texas on a farm, I think she probably was much happier and content than Lily in her aristocratic New York world. 

The book could sometimes drag a bit and repeat itself, I think it could have been much shorter. But Wharton does a great job of building things slowly as to really see how Lily's circumstances deteriorate. I'm not sure if I will read another of her books anytime soon as some of the plot lines don't interest me. But I'm glad to have read this one to understand why it is so popular. It is timeless in its theme of being careful not to let materialism and societal acceptance cloud your better judgement. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Can't Wait Wednesday: The Granddaughters of Edward III by Kathryn Warner

 It's time for another Can't Wait Wednesday hosted by Tressa at WishfulEndings. I love this weekly post because it is simple yet productive in that it promotes up and coming books and authors who are publishing something in the next few months. I love going onto NetGalley and seeing great books and being able to share the ones I'm excited about. This week I have chosen a non-fiction book that looks fascinating to me. It's The Granddaughters of Edward III by Kathryn Warner. 

I think the Edward eras are often overlooked due to the overabundance of literature and history on the Tudors and Victoria. So anytime I see a story about them I'm usually interested. The fact that this book zeros in on the women descendants makes this book very appealing. I will definitely be looking forward to it! 

February 28, 2023
*I'm only finding it for sale in the UK so that might be a bit of an issue. Hopefully it will be available in the US on Amazon Kindle soon.


232 pages

Book description courtesy of NetGalley

Edward III may be known for his restoration of English kingly authority after the disastrous and mysterious fall of his father, Edward II, and eventual demise of his mother, Queen Isabella. It was Edward III who arguably put England on the map as a military might. This show of power and strength was not simply through developments in government, success in warfare or the establishment of the Order of the Garter, which fused ideals of chivalry and national identity to form camaraderie between king and peerage. The expansion of England as a formidable European powerhouse was also achieved through the traditional lines of political marriages, particularly those of the king of England’s own granddaughters.

This is a joint biography of nine of those women who lived between 1355 and 1440, and their dramatic, turbulent lives. One was queen of Portugal and was the mother of the Illustrious Generation; one married into the family of her parents' deadly enemies and became queen of Castile; one became pregnant by the king of England's half-brother while married to someone else, and her third husband was imprisoned for marrying her without permission; one was widowed at about 24 when her husband was summarily beheaded by a mob, and some years later bore an illegitimate daughter to an earl; one saw her marriage annulled so that her husband could marry a Bohemian lady-in-waiting; one was born illegitimate, had sixteen children, and was the grandmother of two kings of England.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Sad Cypress by Agatha Christie: A Hercule Poirot Mystery (Read Christie 2023 January Selection)

Publication Date: March 1939

Length:  256 pages

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This was the January book for this year's Read Christie 2023 challenge and one I'd never heard of. My immediate reaction upon seeing it was that I loved the cover and the title. Sometimes that alone is enough to make me happy to read something. Silly I know, but since there are whole Instagram pages dedicated to pretty book covers, I know I'm in good company! It is short and I was able to read it within a couple of days and considering I'm a teacher who just went back this week after two lazy weeks off for Christmas, I'm pretty proud of myself to have finished it already.  The challenge is a lot of fun and I'm excited to see the upcoming books with their methods and motives theme this year. As you can see from my rating.....I absolutely loved it.

Elinor Carlisle has been accused of murdering her romantic rival, Mary Gerrard. Upon the death of Elinor's Aunt Laura, she had expected to receive a sizeable fortune and share it with the object of her desire, Roddy Welman. When Roddy becomes infatuated with Mary, Elinor sees her life plan going up in smoke. Wishing her dead, Elinor is nonetheless in shock to find Mary actually deceased from an overdose of what appears to be morphine. The nurse caring for her sickly aunt believes it is the vial she misplaced and as events unfold, Elinor is accused of deliberately lacing sandwiches Mary ate with the lethal dose. Because so many could also have had access to the vial there are many theories as to who could have done it and why, but Elinor seems to be the most likely culprit.

Hercule Poirot is called in to investigate the case by Aunt Laura's physician who is in love with Elinor. He is unsure of her guilt but doesn't care as long as Poirot can find some means of assuring her acquittal. Poirot agrees to consult but only to find out the truth, whether it exonerates Elinor or otherwise. He begins by questioning all involved including Elinor, Roddy, the Nurse, and Peter Lord, the physician. As he continues to uncover the clues to the real murderer, Poirot begins to wonder if one of the players is not actually who they claim to be. And if that may be the motive behind the crime itself. 

This story is the first Christie novel in which there is a reveal through courtroom drama. It had a different feel to it because of that and it reminded me more of today's crime novels. There are three parts to the book: the crime, the interrogation of the suspects by Poirot, and the courtroom testimony. I liked how this was organized as it gave a clear picture of each person's involvement, culminating with an air of excitement "down to the wire" for Elinor's fate. 

Poirot does not come into the book until the middle part and so the first is slow building with character development of the suspects and their thoughts. I liked how we enter Elinor's head quite often and could really sense her bewilderment at what she'd been conspiring with what actually happened. For the reader it created a sense of sympathy for her and made me root for the truth to be exposed. 

This was a really good mystery plot and had an interesting conclusion. There were some medical elements that made it hard to figure out and kept me guessing for sure. I enjoyed it immensely and am now looking forward to February's Christie book.


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Can't Wait Wednesday: The Cabinet of Dr. Leng by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

For this week's Can't Wait Wednesday I've chosen the new thriller mystery The Cabinet of Dr. Leng by Preston and Child. I have not read their books in a long, long time and I saw that this new one is coming out January 17th. I remember reading several of the novels years ago featuring Special Agent Pendergast and Constance Greene and thinking they were amazing. So much detail in the setting, characters, and mystery. 

Technically you might not call these history or historical mysteries, but since I am not someone who really enjoys contemporary stories much, you can rest assured there is some history involved in these books. I can't say exactly how without giving away some of the surprises but let's just say they involve enough historical intrigue to make me want to read them. I might have to get this one and jump back into their world!

January 17, 2023


368 pages

Book description courtesy of NetGalley

Preston & Child continue their #1 bestselling series featuring FBI Special Agent Pendergast and Constance Greene, as they cross paths with New York’s deadliest serial killer: Pendergast’s own ancestor…and now his greatest foe.

Astoundingly, Constance has found a way back to the place of her origins, New York City in the late 1800s, leaping at the chance, although it means leaving the present forever.

Constance sets off on a quest to prevent the events that lead to the deaths of her sister and brother. But along the road to redemption, Manhattan’s most infamous serial killer, Dr. Enoch Leng, lies in wait, ready to strike at the slightest provocation.

Meanwhile, in contemporary New York, Pendergast feverishly searches for a way to reunite with Constance—but will he discover a way back to her before it’s too late?

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy 1st Blogiversary!

I waited until today to discuss upcoming goals for my blog and for reading because today is the one year anniversary of my blog! It is exciting to think I started with the intention of making it two months and here we are 12 months later. 

I just wanted to share my thoughts on the books I read and I have....but I've gained so much too. A new world of blogging friends, writing skills, reading new kinds of books, and perseverance with something personal and creative. I am so excited to see where year 2 takes me. And thank you to anyone who has read or commented on my posts. It has been a lot of fun interacting with the bookish world. 

This year I'd like to continue my commitment to blog a minimum of twice a week and to participate in the following challenges and weekly discussions:

I also want to branch out with my reading and try new authors, more NetGalley requests (although not too many!) and not worry so much about reading all the sequels in order. And above all else have fun! Here are my current reads for January 2023:

-Sad Cypress by Agatha Christie

- Island of a Thousand Springs by Sarah Lark

- The Fourth Enemy by Anne Perry

-The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

-Voyager by Diana Gabaldon (this will be my third re-read of this book....I always have an Outlander re-read going. I just can't give these books up!)

Happy January reading everyone!


Saturday, December 31, 2022

Murder in the Snow by Verity Bright (A Lady Eleanor Swift Mystery) Book Four

Publication Date: November 16, 2020

Length: 274 pages

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Just in time for New Year's Eve and the last day of December 2022 I have completed a full season of these delightful mysteries!  When I discovered they were written with the setting for each season I thought that was pretty neat and am now looking forward to reading four per year during the matching time period until I've eventually caught up with all of them. This story takes place, of course, in winter and was just perfect in that I started reading it Christmas Eve and ended it New Year's Eve, roughly coinciding with the same days as the story itself. It was a great end to a great year of reading!

In this adventure, Eleanor and Clifford are hot on the trail of a murderer who has seemingly killed a local villager who has come to Henley Hall to partake in the Christmas Eve festivities along with those residents of Little Buckford. At the time of his death everyone assumed he had died during the fun run in the snow, seemingly from a heart attack. But as Eleanor and Clifford find clues revealing otherwise they begin to suspect that not only was he murdered, it was in a similar manner as the murder of Eleanor's Uncle, a case which was never fully proven nor solved. Eleanor feels particularly responsible as the crime occurred at her home during her party in which she was trying to show the townspeople how much they mean to her. When two more people are taken ill and have to be hospitalized with the same symptoms as the murder victim, Clifford and Eleanor have to work fast to make sure no one else is targeted. Along with the dashing Detective Seldon and the loyal staff of Henley Hall, they have plenty of willing help in their quest. 

Maybe it was because I was on Christmas vacation and totally relaxed, or maybe it was because I've grown attached to these characters, but I found myself smiling at how much I enjoyed this book as I finished it today. It had everything I love in a cozy mystery: a charming country setting, recurring characters with distinct personalities, a clever, unique murder method impossible to guess at, and two love interests vying for Ellie's affection. It is nice how the author sees fit to occasionally list the suspects and their motives so one doesn't get confused (as I sometimes do in other murder mysteries) and the short chapters make it easy to read even in the busiest of times. It's really the perfect type of story during the craziness that is the holiday season. 

When I reviewed the first book, A Very English Murder, I stated that the book was formulaic and that is true. But as I've continued with the series I've realized each one is very unique and that the author has taken a lot of effort to create a new setting and twists and turns in the story. So that formula works here. There are some cozy mysteries that become tedious in this area and I think it is because the characters and plot don't change a whole lot from book to book. These have just enough differences to make them fresh and enjoyable in their own way. I am already excited to read the next one, Mystery By the Sea, in March on my spring break. 

Now I'm off to celebrate New Year's Eve with my family and ring in 2023! Wishing you a safe and happy evening from Texas.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

All That is Hidden (A Molly Murphy Mystery: Book 19) by Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles


Publication Date: March 14, 2023

Length: 320 pages

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆

Thank you to NetGalley for loaning me this book for review.

This was my first book by Rhys Bowen to have read but I had heard of her before and knew she was very popular. Even though this is a series book I decided to just jump in and read the one being published this spring. I plan to eventually read the latest book in her other series, Royal Spyness. This is the continuing story of Molly Murphy, a housewife and mother who has come a long way from her days as a single gal newly arrived from Ireland. 

Molly is slowly adjusting to her quiet domestic life with her policeman husband, Daniel, and their son and foster daughter. She is retired from her former life of sleuthing and is Molly Sullivan now, living in Greenwich Village in a home she loves, albeit a simple one. When her husband tells her they are moving to a new home in the swanky area of Fifth Avenue with servants and plush surroundings she is bewildered. He also informs her he is running for the office of sheriff and will be closely aligned with Tammany Hall, a shady political organization. Molly eventually discovers it is all a cover for Daniel's real work, investigating corruption within the group.

When Big Bill McCormick, an important associate of Tammany, is murdered during his daughter's birthday party at his own mansion, Molly and Daniel along with their ward Bridie set out to discover why and who is involved. As they get to know the dysfunctional family and their many secrets, the mystery only deepens. Drawing on information obtained by Bridie's new friendship with the daughter, Blanche, and Molly's compassion for Bill's widow, they begin to form a picture of how Big Bill came to be at his desk, stabbed in the back. Strange happenings start to put them in harm's way and Daniel begins to wonder if this undercover scenario has been taken on at unnecessary risk to his family.

The book has a solid mystery that has a lot of twists and turns. I originally guessed at part of the storyline which turned out to be partially true with more added to it and was glad as I hate it when mysteries are too obvious. The author does a good job with an authentic setting and I learned a bit about the politics of the day and Tammany Hall. The behaviors of the servants in Molly's new home as well as the proper behaviors a lady of the manor should adopt were well done and served as an interesting backdrop to the murder plot. 

Maybe I'd have been more invested in Molly and her character if I'd read this series in order. It felt like I was missing a lot of her personal story and didn't have a real connection to her children either. Sometimes the writing was a bit simplistic and redundant but this was minor and didn't take away from the story too much. I'm thinking I want to go back and read the first book, Murphy's Law, to get a clearer picture of Molly's life before she meets her husband, Daniel. That may make me see this story in a new light. Overall I thought it was a fun, cozy mystery and would recommend it positively.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Can't Wait Wednesday: Dark Queen Wary by Paul Doherty

This is book 4 in the Margaret Beaufort mystery series. I had not come across the other books before so was excited to know there are more. I have precious little time to read all of an entire series, but if I really enjoy a book I want to go back to the beginning. Hopefully this one does not disappoint. 

Margaret Beaufort is a fascinating figure and I always associate her with the dark side of things in the Wars of the Roses. Perhaps this is unfair and perpetuated by the STARZ series, The White Queen and The White Princess, nevertheless I can realistically see her caught up in a mystery like this one.

March 7, 2023

Historical Fiction/Mystery, Thrillers

224 pages

Book description courtesy of NetGalley

1472. Edward IV reigns triumphant over England and his rivals, the Lancastrians. But he is uneasy, for one true claimant remains: the young Henry Tudor, son of Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond. Henry's continued existence worries Edward, so he hatches a plan to bring a cuckoo into the nest – an imposter prince is presented to Margaret Beaufort as her son.

Margaret is no fool and knows she must play this game of kings carefully . . . When she is invited to George Neville’s beautiful home ‘The Moor’ to help investigate some mysterious and gruesome murders she knows dark forces are at play. Whispers of a shadowy figure called Achitophel hang over the house's occupants, like the impenetrable mist that descended on the battle of Barnet the previous year and secured the crown for Edward. And as the body count increases, Margaret suspects there is a link to that fateful battle and the murderer who seems relentless in his thirst for blood . . .

Can Margaret protect her life as well as her true son’s claim to the throne?


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Recent Additions To My Book Collection (or books I plan to buy)


This week's Top Ten Tuesday is  "what books did Santa bring you for Christmas?" Or, alternatively, what books are you planning to buy with all those gift cards and money Santa brought you? Well not only did Santa bring me money for books, I got a brand new Kindle Paperwhite to read them on. So Merry Christmas to me! Of course I bought it and wrapped it without looking inside the Amazon box and then told my husband what he'd bought me. He was very surprised when I opened it on Christmas morning, ha! But I wanted to make sure I got the one I really wanted. Now I have the same dilemma I always have....I want ALL the books. 

Here are the ones I either received from someone in paperback form or plan to buy. Some are so new they are expensive so if I can get them through my online library app I will go there first. Happy Reading in 2023 everyone!

1. The Sun in Splendour by Jean Plaidy- The story of Edward IV and the Wars of the Roses comes to life in this novel which bears the same title as the Sharon Kay Penman book. I have read hers and want to see how Plaidy handles the story. This one is not available on Kindle so I'm excited to have bought a new paperback copy.

2. Peril in Paris by Rhys Bowen- Book number 16 in this cozy mystery series, Royal Spyness. I requested this on NetGalley but was declined, (oh well) so I just got my own copy. It looks like a lot of fun. Who doesn't love an international mystery set in Paris?

3. Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs- This story is a retelling of the story of Ruth from the Bible but set in Scotland during the 1745 Rising. I am definitely intrigued and excited to have discovered it. 

4. The Maid by Nita Prose- I read this is to be made into a movie and so I'd like to buy it and read it before I go see it.  Amazon says it is "a Clue-like locked room mystery and a heartwarming journey of the spirit." 

5. The Drowned City by K.J. Maitland- Book 1 of the Daniel Pursglove Mystery series set in the 17th century. The main character goes "underground to infiltrate a Catholic network and discovers a Jesuit conspiracy."

6. Mystery By the Sea: (A Lady Eleanor Swift Mystery- Book 5) by Verity Bright- I still have to finish Book 4 but I love this series so much there is no doubt I'll want the next one in line. In this book Eleanor travels to a resort in Brighton to enjoy some rest and relaxation, only to find herself embroiled in a mystery involving her former husband, who is supposed to be dead.

7. Black Flags, Blue Waters: The Epic Story of America's Most Notorious Pirates by Eric Jay Dolin- I love all things pirate and high seas. I started this book awhile ago and had to return it to the library, so I'd like to finish it. It is a great read covering the Golden Age of Piracy. 

8. The Rose and the Thistle by Laura Frantz- I mentioned this one last week for Can't Wait Wednesday.  This one is set during the 1715 Jacobite Rising and looks like a bit of a romance, which I'm normally not big on, but there seems to be enough mystery and history to make me want to buy it and read it. 

9. The Innkeeper and the Fugitive: Tales From the Highlands Book 3 by Martha Keyes- I have been meaning to get back to these books for a long time. There are four books in this series and I've read the first one. I already own book 2 but will probably go ahead and get book 3 just because I want to have it. Set in the Highlands of the 18th century they are more romance than mystery. The author does a great job with authenticity of the time and place so I really have enjoyed them so far. 

10. Secrets of the Nile by Tasha Alexander- I'm not sure about this one but will probably go ahead and get it. I love books set in Egypt so the cover and title alone were enough to hook me. It is a mystery involving murder, a Nile cruise, and ancient relics. Seems like an Agatha Christie or Elizabeth Peters type book and I love those!