Sunday, February 16, 2025

Stacking the Shelves #46


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Reading Reality. It's a place to showcase any books I have purchased, borrowed, or been lucky enough to have been given an advance copy of. Hope you find something that looks interesting to you or that makes you remember a favorite book you need to finish. Enjoy your reading this week!

Borrowed from Libby App:

I waited over a month for this one! I was excited to see it finally available. This author is very popular and this is her latest. Set in two different time periods it's not a novel I'd usually read but it involves Egyptian archaeology, museums, and a mystery so it looks intriguing. I'm on chapter 5 already and still hooked so I'm hoping I'm not disappointed. Looking at her other books I'm not sure if I'd like the settings but if this one is well written I might give them a try. It jumps back and forth between two main characters, Charlotte and Annie. Charlotte lives and works in 1970's New York and Annie lives in the same era. But we will be transported back to the 1930's to hear Charlotte's story. Traveling to Egypt something sinister happens and we will spend the book finding out what.

Purchase for Kindle: $1.99 on sale 

This is a book I will flip through and read when I need a break and just want to read a random chapter. It details all the major Queens of Scotland from Lady MacBeth to Anne. I'll just probably read it from week to week slowly and not necessarily in order. But that is nice as novels can sometimes take up so much of my time I don't read as much non fiction. This is in keeping with my goal to change that this year. I don't know a lot about the Queens of Scotland so I'm looking forward to a mini biography of each one.

Borrowed from Kindle Unlimited: 

This is book one in a mystery series I'd not seen before. It involves a sixteenth century Scottish lawyer, Hew Cullen, who is trying to solve a case of the murder of a teenager and accusations of misconduct by a Professor at the St. Andrews University. I love books set in Scotland and I love mysteries even more so I'm hoping this one is good. There are four more in the series too if I am wanting to continue. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Can't Wait Wednesday: Silent As the Grave by Rhys Bowen (A Molly Murphy Mystery Book 21)


For this week's Can't Wait Wednesday, hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings, I'm featuring,Silent As the Grave, by Rhys Bowen. I have only read the first book in the Molly Murphys series but I know they are very popular with mystery lovers. This is book 21 and Molly is sleuthing now as a wife and mother. She gets to go on set to watch a movie being filmed where the special effects turn deadly. Bowen does a good job with historical detail and her fans will be excited to see a new book continuing Molly's story. I hope you've found something you can't wait to read this week. Happy reading ya'll!

Cozy Mystery

March 11, 2025

Book Description courtesy of GoodReads:

With a newborn and two children, Molly Murphy Sullivan is tackling motherhood. Her husband, Daniel, is off to work in Washington as Easter break begins in New York. Her dear friend and writer, Ryan O’Hara, is shooting a movie, one of the first to involve a real plot and actors. He invites Molly and the children to visit the set and watch the excitement. When one of the actresses is fired, Molly’s adopted daughter, Bridie, is called to replace her in the scene. Turns out she’s a natural and is asked to star in the rest of the film. Molly is skeptical about leaving Bridie alone on set, but her great friends, Sid and Gus, offer to chaperone her.

The movie industry is still experimenting with ways to get the best shot, like pretending to tie Bridie to real train tracks. But soon, their special effects start to malfunction. After a few mishaps where no one is hurt, the special effects turn deadly. With rumors of a feud between studios, Molly believes these malfunctions are sabotage. She is invited to go undercover on set to investigate the burgeoning film war. Once again, Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles deliver an engaging mystery full of vibrant historical details and thrilling escapades featuring one of mystery's most beloved sleuths.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Noteworthy News #7: Not Just the Tudors Podcast


Years ago I was obsessed with all things Tudor England. I read every Jean Plaidy book I could (my first book of hers I ever read was about Queen Elizabeth II and it hooked me) and researched them to no end. This was all before smart phones and Kindles and the internet. So we are talking 80's and 90's era. When you actually had to go to the library and hunt for things. Which I honestly miss. But that's another topic for another day! 

When I first came across this podcast I was intrigued from the name. It seemed to read my mind.....I love this era but I'd like to know more about what was going on in the world during the Tudor period outside of England. Or maybe at court but learning about other people besides Henry and his offspring and his religious battles. This podcast sets out to do just that. Bring us wonderful stories and history of the Tudors but not just the Tudors. 

So for example, right now I'm listening to a 4 part series (so far) on the rise of the Borgia family. This all takes place during the same general time but it gives perspective because I'm sure things happening in Italy were relevant to many other countries. I also don't mind getting back to storeis about the Tudors, which they do a lot of as well.

So if you are in love with and learning about the Tudors specifically you will love this show. And if you are like me you will love the side stories going on at the same time. It is also narrated by an excellent and knowledgeable lady, Dr. Suzannah Lipscomb. She's been on Matt Lewis's podcast, Gone Medieval and I've always enjoyed her stories and research. Check it out if you love this time period as much as I do. You won't be disappointed! 

Click on the picture to go to the website for more information and some really great content links!