Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie (A Hercule Poirot Mystery)


Publication Date:   June 1926

Length: 312 pages

I finished this book last week but it's taken me several days to get up the courage to write this review. I'm afraid I'm going to stir up a hornet's nest with the Agatha Christie lovers but I'm going to be honest.....I keep trying and I don't know if she's my cup of tea. I read somewhere recently that if you don't like this book, you won't like anything by her. That is discouraging because I really, really want to like Christie's books. I mean, c'mon...her books are only outsold by the Bible and Shakespeare according to the stats. Maybe what made it worse with this book was that I'd read other reviews about the ending and while they didn't give it away, it was too much hinting so that I figured it out way before I'd finished reading. That's a bummer with a murder mystery!

Our story begins with our first person narrator, Dr. James Sheppard. He discusses the sudden suicide of Mrs. Ferrars, a local widow in his hometown, Kings Abbot. She was recently engaged to widower Roger Ackroyd, who is of course, very upset by this recent turn of events. That evening, Sheppard is invited to dinner at Fenley Park, Ackroyd's home, along with Ackroyd's sister in law, her daughter, and other friends and business acquaintances.  Ackroyd confides in Dr. Sheppard that Mrs. Ferrars was being blackmailed and that is the reason he believes she took her life. Later, when Sheppard returns home, he receives a call from Ackroyd's butler who tells him that his employer has been murdered. Sheppard goes to Fenley Park and indeed finds Ackroyd has been stabbed to death. Sheppard, along with his very inquisitive sister, Caroline, becomes entangled in a search for his killer. 

When retired detective Hercule Poirot moves in next door to the Sheppards, he is recruited to assist in the hunt. Poirot is witty and stubborn as well as self assured and immediately tackles the list of viable suspects, including Ackroyd's niece Flora, her fiance Ralph Paton and game hunter and friend Major Blunt. He sifts through each new clue patiently, weaving a tale of his thought process to Dr. Sheppard. The two work to puzzle out the truth and the picture slowly falls into place. But it is not the picture anyone expects and the final reveal is in fact quite original and shocking.

I give this book a gold star for it's surprise element. And I'm sure that's why people frequently refer to it as such a great murder mystery. Poirot is an intriguing character and love him or hate him he is definitely unique. Dr. Sheppard's exasperation with his sister is written humorously and Christie is good about letting us see Poirot's reasoning unfold step by step as he confides his thoughts with James and Caroline. It is a well written novel with plenty of suspense. 

Where I get bogged down is often the constant repeating of the facts and the way things are recapped again and again. This is common in mysteries I know but in this book sometimes it seemed like filler. The chapters read like little blocks of interrogation instead of a story. There is no historical angle to speak of which I admit I'm partial to in any book and it felt sometimes more like a police report than literature. But maybe I'm in the minority because clearly it is a popular book. 

I'm going to try a Miss Marple mystery if I read another Christie book. Sometimes a character change can evoke an entirely different feel with the same author. I'd love to hear from the Christie fans out there who think I'm crazy! And recommendations of your favorite choices of her novels. 


Saturday, July 16, 2022

Crocodile On the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters (Amelia Peabody Book One)


Publication Date: 1975

Pages: 352

I've been on a huge mystery kick lately. Especially cozy, historical mysteries. This book is number one on my list for summer mystery reading fun! It is strange that it sat in my Kindle to read list forever. I don't know why but I'd look at the cover and just think "yawn, not yet". Now that I finally gave in and read it I am kicking myself for wasting time. This is going to be an entertaining series. The sad part is that Elizabeth Peters (real name Barbara Mertz) passed away in 2013 and will not be writing more books. When I read up on her life after finishing the book I was absolutely fascinated. She earned a Ph.D. in Egyptology (didn't even realize that was a thing) in 1952 when most women normally wouldn't even dream of going to college for four years let alone the time it would take to earn a doctorate. She said later that writing gave her a way to earn money and be a stay at home mother. I could go on but this is a book review so I will get to it!

The story begins with our heroine, Amelia Peabody explaining how she came to know her friend, Evelyn Barton-Forbes and rescued her from the streets of Rome, Italy. Amelia is independent and wealthy, thanks to her inheritance, and Evelyn quickly is enlisted as her lady's companion to accompany her on a trip down the Nile, courtesy of Amelia, all expenses paid. I want a friend like that! Before they leave, Evelyn reveals that she has been disgraced by a scoundrel of a man and this being 1884 she is in despair that she will ever marry again or be fit for anyone else. Amelia, who is too independent minded to care about a husband, reassures her that she does not think less of her and encourages her to forget her troubles and enjoy life. Before the women can depart on their journey they meet the Emerson brothers, Walter and Radcliffe, who are embarking on an archaeological dig down the Nile. The encounter is an indication of the relationships to come between the four with Walter and Evelyn infatuated with one another and Emerson and Amelia completely exasperated with each other. 

As the ladies make their way through Egypt and down the Nile they begin to encounter strange happenings. They seem to be the victims of bad luck and eventually downright frightening events when a mummy appears to be stalking the Emerson brothers dig and Evelyn is almost kidnapped. Due to a turn of  events, the ladies stay with the Emersons on their excavation site and continue to try to solve the mystery of why it is being haunted by the mummy. If you are already rolling your eyes and asking "why would anyone think this is plausible or readable" you have to trust me when I say I understand and I thought the same thing at first. I mean, mummies?? But stick with me.

For one thing, Amelia's character and inner dialogue are both witty and hilarious. Her banter with Emerson is like watching an old movie from the 40's with Hepburn and Tracy. Some of the quips between the two are very subtle. Peters really leaves it to the reader to catch. This makes the humor authentic and enjoyable. So many authors today add way too much explanation which leaves me feeling like I am being lectured instead of entertained. 

I've seen other reviews of these books that compare Peabody's character to a female Indiana Jones. I disagree. One of the things that is so great about the book is that it feels like 1884. Amelia understands her place in society. She is brave and educated and independent, yes, but she also occasionally admits to being vulnerable and needing help. I didn't feel like I was reading about a modern, female version of a male character but rather a female version of a 19th Century single woman with the desire to explore and investigate. 

Another bonus in this book are the descriptions of the Nile, the Pyramids, and the history of the area. Peters does a superb job of transporting the reader to the time and place and her knowledge of the period and its people really shines. Several reviews have said the book comes across as racist and paints the indigenous Egyptians in a bad light. I think if you are looking at it through a modern lens you will see it this way. But I see a story that is realistic for the time and place and also I remember that it was written in 1975 by a woman born in the 1920's. You just have to get past the urge to judge every book by present day standards or you will miss out on a lot of great literature. Most of Amelia's thoughts are likely how someone of her time would have believed. It doesn't take away from the clever writing and engaging story. She accepts and gives credit to the locals who are loyal and hard working and reserves scorn for the ones who deserve it. 

The ending is honestly not a huge surprise and I didn't think the mystery part of the story was even the most important. She adds enough twists to make it worth your while and keep you guessing but the real meat of the book is in the setting and character development. The deranged mummy is just an extra bonus. 

I am going to read a few other books before I read book two in the series. I want to always try new stories before I go and devote all my time to an entire series. But it is difficult to write this review and not want to start the next story. I am anxious to pick up where I left off and see what Amelia is up to.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

A Very English Murder by Verity Bright (A Lady Eleanor Swift Mystery) Book One


Publication Date: April 3, 2020

Length: 300 pages

As a Mom of two very busy teens I mistakenly thought, "oh during summer I'm going to get so much reading and reviewing done!" Wrong! I'm so behind on the Historical Fiction Challenge I'm embarrassed but.....I also have found it has been great for me in a new way to feel like I'm not able to read constantly. And that silver lining is that I have discovered so many adorable, short, easy to read books, especially cozy fiction and cozy mysteries that I am enjoying these shorts bursts of reading when I can knock out a book or two in a relatively short amount of time. Normally I feel pressure to read either long books or deep, meaningful books but as I get older I'm realizing it's okay to read things that are fun and quick! 

This book is a delight. It is like reading a mystery that takes place in Downton Abbey. And if you are familiar with the show you know that everyone loves Mr. Carson, the butler. In this book we have Eleanor, or Ellie, and her butler, Clifford. And his character is as sweet and clever as Mr. Carson. Ellie has arrived at her new home, the place she lived as a child, Henley Hall, to take the reins after her Uncle passed away and left it to her care. Her parents mysteriously disappeared years ago and she is on her own. Henley Hall is one of the few places with people who care about her still and where she feels somewhat welcomed, albeit a stranger as she has been away for so long. Clifford maintains his butler decorum but underneath we see a warm, protective feeling from him much like a father or guardian. Ellie does not know a lot about her parents, her Uncle, or their reasons for why she was sent away to boarding school at a young age and Clifford is her only steady link to the past. He feels a certain loyalty to her deceased Uncle though, so getting information out of him will take time. I suspect this will continue to evolve as the series progresses. 

She is quickly accompanied everywhere by her Watson-like sidekick, Gladstone, the trusty bulldog, and while out on a walk her first evening at the Hall she witnesses a murder. It is far enough away that Ellie questions what she actually saw. When she tries to report it and have it investigated the next day she is perplexed to discover that the body is missing and the town Constable is not interested in her delusional tale. The only people she can get on board to help her get to the bottom of things is Clifford and a new man, Lancelot, who takes an interest in the case, and in Ellie. Being a well traveled, independent woman she has a hard time admitting she is also smitten with him. 

As she continues to dig deeper into the mystery surrounding the murder she knows she saw, Ellie meets many colorful townspeople, all with their own special secrets. There's the stuffy aristocrats, the dismissive Constables and Inspectors, the quirky neighbors who have grudges with others in the area, and the housekeeping staff who serve to keep Ellie well fed, well dressed, and ready for anything. When the killer is revealed it is both entertaining and unexpected, and Ellie, Clifford, and Lancelot are in a race to save each other from harm and to find out the why behind the murder.

Is this series formulaic? Yes. Is the ending a bit too perfect? Yes.  It is a lot of fun though and I am going to continue with the next book in the series. I did have a hard time at first deciding who the murderer was although towards the end I guessed correctly. But somehow with this book I didn't mind that. I loved how Clifford was always saying, "My lady" and Gladstone was always tagging along and being Ellie's sounding board. I enjoyed the insight into Ellie's thoughts as she worked through suspects and clues. Lancelot is clearly going to factor in the series as her love interest and his family was portrayed in a clever and cute way. I will enjoy picking up one of these books when I am needing a bit of sunshine in my busy week. They are comforting in that cozy mystery way!

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

A Christmas Odyssey by Anne Perry


Publication Date: October 26, 2010

Length: 208 pages

I have almost finished reading all of Anne Perry's Christmas books. They are short and easy to read in one sitting, especially on a cold winter day by the fire, or in this case, a hot summer day in June.  Each book is its own separate story so you do not need to read them in any particular order. It is helpful to have read some of her Monk or Pitt books though because some of the minor characters in those books take center stage in the Christmas ones. 

A Christmas Odyssey concerns the character of Henry Rathbone. He is the father of Oliver Rathbone, a prominent lawyer who features often in her other books. Henry has been asked to look into the disappearance of his friend's son, Lucien. It seems Lucien has rejected a life of wealth and privilege for the dark underworld of drugs and sexual deviance. This being the Victorian era it is impressed upon the reader just how private the search for Lucien must be kept since no self respecting member of society would even acknowledge the "underworld" much less know anything about where to look for a fallen relative. Henry enlists the help of his friend Hester Monk who is a major character from Perry's Monk novels and is quite familiar with shady and marginalized people she comes into contact with as a nurse and owner of a clinic operating to serve the downtrodden, forgotten citizens of the poorer part of town. 

Through Hester, Henry is able to gain the trust and assistance of former brothel owner Squeaky Robinson and they set out to retrace Lucien's steps and see if they can gain any insight into where he may have gone. Their search takes them to the darkest places imaginable. They are accompanied by a doctor, Crow, who is not a credentialed doctor per se due to his own personal struggles, but nonetheless is a compassionate man who wants to help those in need who cannot afford medical services or, due to the nature of their occupations, would rather not be helped by a licensed professional. Henry, Squeaky, and Crow together meet up with Bessie, a young girl who has maintained some semblance of innocence despite being forced to live underground to survive with nefarious people in appalling conditions. She leads them through a maze of contacts as well as a literal maze of tunnels and rooms, helping them to untangle the trail of events that led Lucien to cease contact with his family. During the search it is discovered that a mysterious figure aptly named "Shadwell" is pulling the strings behind the lives and fates of those underground.

When evidence of two murders is discovered, everyone is frightened for Lucien as well as their own survival. It is obvious that Shadwell is watching their every move and if they are to make it out alive with Lucien intact it will take all of them working together to move quickly and cleverly to outwit the evil that poisons the lives of the inhabitants of this very sad, forgotten part of their city.

I will admit this is probably the darkest Anne Perry novel I've read thus far. She always tends to weave that element throughout her stories which adds suspense and excitement because you realize quickly her books are not meant to be what one would call "cozy" mysteries. This one seemed to be even more shocking than usual in that the vivid descriptions of drugs, sexual deviance, and intimidation were especially pronounced. She never writes graphically enough to be called sensational but it was just a tad more realistic and frightening than her usual work. Perhaps this is why she is so good at what she does. I wanted to look away, but I had to know how it ended!

The best part of Perry's books is that in the end evil is punished and good rewarded. In the Christmas books she develops the plot to a point where you think you'll never be able to see the holiday spirit in it but by the last page you are feeling happy, contented, and festive. Because this book was so much of a downer throughout it was remarkable that by the last page I had happy tears in my eyes at the resolution, making me glad I'd stuck with it to the end. I have never been sorry for picking up an Anne Perry book and this one is no exception, just be aware it can be a depressing slog at times. She definitely has written more uplifting Christmas books but they are always a fun read and the clues and mystery are revealed in a way that keeps your mind guessing. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Highland Spirits by Amanda Scott


Publication Date: October 1, 1999

Length: 397 pages

Amanda Scott is an interesting author for me in that I can't seem to decide how to classify her books. Are they romance? Historical fiction? Mysteries? Compared to classics or epic sagas they can come across as simplistic, contrived, and predictable. I have read five of her books now and every time I start one I think to myself, "this is a romance book Shellie, you don't read romances!" Then before I know it I'm sucked in and enjoying myself immensely! I definitely do not like the romance genre if that's all the book is about. And some of Scott's covers do her a disservice as they suggest that this is the entirety of the book. You know, the covers with steamy Highlanders gazing out at you with smoldering eyes. But they are so much more. I feel a need to review some of her books in order to appeal to readers like myself who do not care much for typical romances but love historical fiction. It would be a mistake to skip these books as they are great for a light read while learning some history. 

This is Book 4 of a four part set called the Highland Series. They build upon one another with the characters' lives intertwining but you can read them on their own as well. I personally think reading them in order is more enjoyable as I wasn't at all confused about how each person related to the other. In this story we revisit Penelope (or Pinkie as she is called) and her brother Chuff. They were orphans who previously were rescued by Black Duncan Campbell, a prosperous Highlander. The year is 1765 and Jacobite sentiment still runs deep in the area. The Campbells are mistrusted due to past grievances but Pinkie and Chuff are just happy to have a family nearby. As the story begins we witness Pinkie watching her "ghost" or, what she thinks is a ghost, in the woods of a Highlander and his dog. They vanish before she is sure but this isn't the first time she has seen them. Of course this is the "mystery" of the story that will be resolved later. 

Meanwhile, Michael Kintyre, the Earl of Mingary is having ideas of his own about Chuff and the Campbells.  He'd like his sister Bridget to marry Chuff in order to offset a debt he owes. When all parties decide to travel to London for various personal reasons, we see an attraction grow between Michael and Pinkie. Michael is not keen on marrying her however due to his own aversion to her bloodline and lack of status. We are treated to London life: parties, balls, and the opera and the machinations of everyone as they try to impress high society. 

Over all this gaiety and socializing lies the cloud of Sir Renfrew Campbell, a Scottish nobleman who would like to marry Michael's sister, Bridget in order to gain a foothold on the Mingary lands which he intends to use for his various businesses needing excess sources of timber. In his desire to possess her for himself he kidnaps her and the chase is on to find her and bring Sir Renfrew to justice. We meet several characters from the previous highland novels, Maggie and her husband the Earl of Rothwell and Mary, Black Duncan's wife. It is fun to revisit them and have them weaved into the story.

I enjoyed Highland Spirits and all the Highland Series books. With each one I learned new, interesting tidbits about Scottish life after the Rising and the description of the countryside and manor houses were vivid. Scott does a great job of using authentic dialogue without overdoing it to the point of being unreadable. I appreciate the way the romance is subtle and not the main focus of the book but rather it complements a solid storyline. 

Are these books Jane Austen or Charles Dickens? No and that's okay. I can sometimes be a bit of a snob about reading "literature" and then I have to remember that it's okay to just chill out with a glass of wine and a book that doesn't require a dictionary and weeks of my time. I think Scott works hard on her research and even though I can usually predict the ending well before it comes she has a unique way of keeping you reading because it's just a lot of fun. I am glad I discovered her books and when I need to just escape after an especially trying week they are the perfect romp!