Thursday, October 27, 2022

Queen Victoria's Granddaughters: 1860-1918 by Christina Croft

Publication Date:  October 28, 2013

Length:  423 pages

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 out of 5 stars


All my life I've been obsessed with Queen Victoria. It amazes me how many lives she influenced as queen and as the grandmother of an empire. She and her descendants linked countless nations through marriages and children and their personal sagas provide endless material for writers.  They endured highlights and hardships most of us cannot fathom. And at the end of an era it all came crashing to a halt with the fading of the Imperialist age. Christina Croft is excellent and so knowledgeable about this time period. 


This book spans the years before and during World War I, culminating with the painful and tragic end of Alix and Ella, the two unfortunates who ended up in Russia during the Revolution. Queen Victoria  produced  twenty-two granddaughters, five of which became monarchs through their marriages:  Maud of Norway, Empress Alix of Russia, Sophie of Greece, Marie of Romania, and Ena of Spain. The author includes details about each granddaughter with a family lineage synopsis at the beginning of each chapter. Although more information is naturally found surrounding the more well known women, lesser known granddaughters are equally covered with details about their personal lives and interactions with the Queen. As the twentieth century dawns, the lives of all the women are changed and altered in ways both good and bad. The book moves in a chronological time order so that we see history unfold along with their personal lives. The family dramas, alliances, and feuds are covered in detail so that the reader has a sense of the anguish and sadness that was present surrounding the shifting loyalties between relatives who only yesterday were loving family.  


Pretty much all of it! The quick reminder before each chapter of who's who in the family is a great help to keeping everyone straight. There are so many marriages and babies etc. not to mention romantic entanglements between family members that you need this quick update every few pages. I especially loved that I was learning history along with the personal stories of the women. While the book focuses on them, it never strays from their importance in the historical timeline. By the end of the book one will know the major events going on in the world that contributed to the downfall of these various countries and kingdoms ruled by the husbands or relatives of the women. Croft does a good job of moving the book along while being sure to include personal details of all the women. It is an ambitious task to cover this many people equally and with I'm sure a scarcity of primary sources for all of them. 


I have to confess I didn't really care about some of the women. While I appreciate the idea behind the book I'd like to see Croft tackle the biographies of just the five monarch granddaughters. She has written about so many of Victoria's relatives and offspring that I know she'd be great at this. It has already been done in Julia Gelardi's excellent book, Born To Rule, but still, I'd love to read Croft's take on the same subject. Other than this, there isn't much negative to take away here.

RECOMMEND? OR NOT? Yes, absolutely! If you have any interest in the British monarchy, reasons for the start of World War I, or in Queen Victoria herself I highly recommend this book or anything by Croft. 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

A Witness to Murder by Verity Bright (A Lady Eleanor Swift Mystery) Book Three


Publication Date:  September 11, 2020

Length:  264 pages

My Rating:  ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆


I am working my way through these books as I have a moment between longer reads. They are just so much fun and although I don't really need to do a review for each one I want to because they all have a different theme. It's fun to check in with the characters and see what new mischief they've gotten themselves into. 


We find our heroine, Lady Eleanor, adjusting to her new life at Henley Hall. In the six months since arriving, she has already been instrumental in solving two murders and with the help of her much loved butler, Clifford, and her darling bulldog, Gladstone, she has created a world for herself among the people of the village of Chipstone. Ellie's parents have been missing for a number of years and she has led a life of adventure prior to returning to her late Uncle's estate to take over the running of the place. Ellie always seems to find herself embroiled in drama and this time she is contemplating a time of solace and calm, determined to stay away from dead bodies. Fate has another idea and before she knows it, she is thrust into another case: this time involving politics. It seems a local contender for Parliament has collapsed and died after eating poisoned fudge at a dinner party. Ellie tries to ignore the crime but the cook for the estate where the murder occurs is so distressed over being accused of serving the tainted fudge that she feels she owes it to the woman to step in and help clear her name. Nothing about it will be easy.

Not only is Ellie involved in solving the murder, she is asked to run for the deceased man's seat in Parliament by a local women's group. This being 1920 there isn't a lot of support for women in higher office. When she attempts to win over the local electorate she is both pleasantly accepted by some and rebuffed by those who want to maintain the status quo. As Ellie delves deeper into both the motive for the murder and making political speeches she starts to believe there is more going on than she first realized. Someone is trying to stop her and is possibly blackmailing the alleged murderer. At one point, Ellie is even accused of being involved herself. When another suspect is attacked and killed, Ellie and Clifford must hurry to unravel the clues and find the real culprit.


These books are always a refreshing break from long, serious reads. This one in particular was fun with Ellie running for office and simultaneously entertaining two romances. Lancelot, a local aristocrat, and Detective Seldon vie for her attention in very different ways and it is fun to guess which one will prevail. Clifford and Gladstone are always a major part of the plot as well as the loveable staff at Henley Hall and the local townspeople. Ellie is beloved by everyone for her kindness and down to earth demeanor. 

This particular book was cute with Ellie running for office and seeing her interact with the common folk in a charming way. I also discovered something that I thought was fun....each book takes place during a particular season of the year. I guess when I read the first two I didn't pay attention to the pattern. This book was set during fall and the next book is during winter with a Christmas theme. I can't wait to read it between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It will be just the thing to get into the holiday spirit. 


Sometimes I get a bit annoyed with how Ellie always seems to say and do just the right thing with everyone. She is a little too perfect with just the correct response no matter who she is with. Yes, I get it is a cozy mystery, not a period drama but....her character is a little one dimensional at times. She is clumsy and lovingly out of place as a lady of the manor and that is refreshing but she is a bit too on point with her response to each situation. Other than that there isn't much to bother me. I don't expect perfection!

RECOMMEND? OR NOT?   Yes, absolutely! If these kinds of books are your cup of tea then you will love this series. And even if you don't normally read this genre you might be pleasantly surprised to try it. The dialogue between Ellie and her butler, Clifford is clever and a cut above the average cozy mystery book. 


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A Plague of Zombies by Diana Gabaldon


Publication Date: October 4, 2011

Length: 116 pages

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


If you've read any of my reviews before then you know I'm a huge Outlander fan. What I probably haven't said before though is that I'm a huge Lord John Grey fan. At the risk of the wrath of fellow Outlanders out there I am going to be honest....I enjoy the character of Lord John Grey more than Jamie Fraser sometimes. He is fascinating with his aristocratic background, military prowess, and the interesting situations he always finds himself in. Many loyal Gabaldon readers don't even like or read the LJG books but I can't understand why. They fill in a lot of gaps from the big books and as the series has progressed he has become an important figure. In honor of Halloween this month I wanted to review my favorite LJG story, A Plague of Zombies. It is a novella added to her collection in the book Seven Stones to Stand or Fall, but you can buy it as a stand alone as well. The previous title was Lord John and the Plague of Zombies.  I've probably read this book at least four times and each time I do I discover something else I over looked. It is unique, creepy, and has an exotic location I absolutely love...Jamaica. So much so that when I visited Jamaica in 2019 on our cruise I couldn't get enough of the beautiful place. Having read this story before it was even more special. So Happy October and here's to many more additions to the LJG saga.


Lieutenant Colonel Lord John Grey has been sent to the island of Jamaica to help put down the restless stirrings of a slave rebellion. The current Governor Warren is only too glad to let Grey step in and take charge of the frightening situation as the rebels are slowly encroaching on the capital of Kingston, and thus ruining Warren's daily existence. A prominent plantation owner, one Mr. Abernathy, was found a few days before with his throat slit and the English slave owners are beginning to fear for their lives. As Grey tries to acclimate himself to the bug filled, creepy crawly infested surroundings, including a very unwelcome snake, he comes to realize that the superstitions and culture of the island are going to make it hard to convince the inhabitants that this is not, in fact, a matter of spiritual rituals or ghosts run amok, but rather a simple case of someone trying to use fear to channel things in their desired direction.

When Governor Warren himself is targeted and Grey is accosted by a deathly figure, Lord John realizes there is more at stake than he thought. Strange happenings continue to occur right in the Governor's mansion and then someone in the house is murdered. All seem to be connected to zombies and the supernatural but Lord John is too practical to believe it. He is definitely shaken and fearful but not enough to stop him from delving into the unknown, including pursuing information from the maroons living in the mountainous region surrounding Kingston. 

As he further investigates, Grey begins to find there is a great deal of government corruption and mismanagement and that the convenient explanation of bloodthirsty zombies is a ruse. With his usual courage and insight he traces the roots of a conspiracy that is wide ranging with deadly consequences. 


As I stated above I love anything Outlander and Lord John related. But I think this story was especially intriguing to me because I knew from the beginning it was a mystery with a reasonable explanation. I love authors who inject superstition into a story and make you think there is something supernatural going on, only to reveal the truth behind the curtain. This story had a touch of history as well with the addition of the maroon population. I hadn't heard of this group before reading this book and it set me on a path of discovery. When I eventually visited Jamaica it was amazing to see and tour their Rose Hall plantation and to imagine what life must have been like for the slaves who fled into the mountains to escape their horrible situation. Gabaldon's writing and historical research is always superb and my favorite thing about her is the way she assumes the reader is smart enough to figure things out without lots of specific explaining of details. Her stories always unfold piece by piece and it is up to us to put them together and figure out what is happening. Perhaps this is why I often read and re-read her books because each time I find little things I missed before. 

I also love the way she infuses characters and events from the big Outlander books into the short stories. The murder of Mr. Abernathy and Grey's meeting with Geillis Duncan are exciting and creepy if you've read the first three in the series. It is fun to glimpse a little peek into a storyline that Jamie and Claire are not even a part of. 


Not much! Really that it was so short. I have found myself disappointed each time I've come to the end of her novellas and would like for her to continue to write more. The Lord John bigger books are great but it seems she is done with his backstory at this point. I am hoping she will write some new stories to fill in the gaps of other minor Outlander characters.

RECOMMEND? OR NOT?  Yes, if you are an Outlander fan already. Maybe, if you are not.  I say this because at first glance this story would have seemed ridiculous to me had I not already known and loved the character of Lord John. It would be very short and very odd to the person unschooled in Outlander trivia and so I really think it's best to read the first three Outlander books before diving into the novellas. 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

A Christmas Deliverance by Anne Perry

Thank you to Net Galley for loaning me this book.

Publication Date:  November 8, 2022

Length:  224 Pages

My Rating:  ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ 3 out of 5 stars


I am still new to this book blogging world and so one of the fun discoveries for me has been Net Galley. You just go online to their website and enter your information and you can request early copies of books that haven't been released yet. So amazing! I still can't believe I've been able to read this book before it even hits the shelves in November. I have loved Anne Perry books for over 20 years. So this one was a no brainer. I still have to read about four more of her Christmas books and I knew there would be some spoilers here by reading them out of order but I just couldn't resist. They always get you into the holiday spirit. 


Crowe is a doctor running a clinic for the poorest, downtrodden members of London society. He spends his time healing those who cannot or will not go to a more prestigious doctor for medical help and has taken on Scuff, a former street urchin who has grown into a young man interested in medicine. Crowe and Scuff do not discriminate and will help anyone so when a young society lady, Ellie, is involved in a carriage accident not far from the clinic, they bring her there to recover. Crowe gets to know and care for Ellie and when her father comes to collect her he feels a void in his personal life for the first time. He is, in fact, in love. Knowing things will never work out for he and Ellie, Crowe vows to forget her but still finds reasons to walk through her neighborhood, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. One day he does, but it is not what he expected. 

He witnesses an argument between Ellie and a young man whom he recognizes as Paul Dolan, the wealthy son of a local businessman. As he learns more of her situation, Crowe realizes that Ellie's father is probably connected to the Dolan family through their own financial ventures and  concludes that Ellie may be feeling pressure to marry this very aggressive, controlling man. Confronting Ellie's father at her home about the altercation he witnessed on the street, Crowe hopes to convince Mr. Hollister that Ellie is in danger. Unable to assert any authority with her father, Crowe decides, with the help of Scuff, to quietly investigate Dolan's links with Hollister in the hopes of finding out anything to free Ellie from this perilous engagement. As they delve further into the business practices of both men, Crowe and Scuff find themselves, and the clinic, the target of unscrupulous policemen, dispatched to silence them. When an alarming discovery is made Crowe realizes Ellie may be in more danger than he anticipated and will stop at nothing to save her. 


All Anne Perry books have a certain rhythm to them. Especially her holiday books. They have recurring characters involved in solving a crime, usually murder, and they find resolution in the end. This alone makes for a reassuring, satisfying read every time. Add in the Christmas message and spirit and you will always come away feeling content. Without giving away spoilers, this book also adds a new character into Crowe and Scuff's lives that warms the heart in an extra way. As the book draws to a close it is Christmas Eve, moving into Christmas Day and she reminds us of the importance of faith and family. The touching scenes between Crowe and Ellie were nice, especially if you know Crowe's backstory from her other books. He has had a hard life and you just want to root for him. Scuff is the same way and so it is nice to see them together. 


I felt like there wasn't a lot to the mystery. This was my main reason for giving it 3 stars instead of 4. It kind of fell flat and I found myself waiting for more to be revealed. It was one of the most simplistic books of hers I've ever read and there really wasn't much to solve. Usually in her books there is an exciting twist at the end. Not so here. Although I will always champion her novels, I'm feeling like the Christmas ones are a struggle for her to produce each year. She is currently writing two other series, Daniel Pitt and Elena Standish and so I think these yearly holiday books are becoming an obligatory afterthought. That is unfortunate because I so look forward to them. I can't imagine writing so many books at a time. It might be better for quality to take precedence over quantity. Nevertheless, this was still a heartwarming book and if you are like me and know all the recurring characters it is always nice to see how their lives are progressing. 

RECOMMEND OR NOT? Yes, you still can't go wrong here!

If you love holiday themed mysteries and especially if you are an Anne Perry fan you will enjoy the book. It is a quick read at barely 220 pages so even if it doesn't thrill you it won't take up too much of your time. Even though I loved reading it early I have to admit that this book would be even more enjoyable after Thanksgiving, during the Christmas holiday season. I have yet to read one on Christmas Eve so maybe that is a good reading goal this year with the ones I've yet to tackle.


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

October Reads: 5 Sinister Stories For That Halloween Spirit


While Halloween is by no means my favorite holiday, it is nevertheless an important part of October and can be a lot of fun to celebrate. I'm not exactly a gal who reads horror books or watches a lot of scary movies, but I am a mystery buff and especially enjoy stories with creepy characters and spooky settings. In honor of Halloween I'd like to share some of my favorite classic books that will maybe make you look over your shoulder a bit. Some I read years ago but they stuck with me as a little more disturbing than your average mystery book. What are your favorite spooky stories this time of year? 

My Cousin Rachel by Daphne Du Maurier

Amazon Book Summary:

I threw the piece of paper on the fire. She saw it burn ...Orphaned at an early age, Philip Ashley is raised by his benevolent older cousin, Ambrose. Resolutely single, Ambrose delights in Philip as his heir, a man who will love his grand home as much as he does himself. But the cosy world the two construct is shattered when Ambrose sets off on a trip to Florence. There he falls in love and marries - and there he dies suddenly. In almost no time at all, the new widow - Philip's cousin Rachel - turns up in England. Despite himself, Philip is drawn to this beautiful, sophisticated, mysterious woman like a moth to the flame. And yet ...might she have had a hand in Ambrose's death?

Dracula by Bram Stoker

Amazon Book Summary:

Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. Famous for introducing the character of the vampire Count Dracula, the novel tells the story of Dracula's attempt to move from Transylvania to England so he may find new blood and spread the undead curse. The battle begins between Dracula and a small group of men and women led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing.

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

Amazon Book Summary:

Ten people, each with something to hide and something to fear, are invited to an isolated mansion on Indian Island by a host who, surprisingly, fails to appear. On the island they are cut off from everything but each other and the inescapable shadows of their own past lives. One by one, the guests share the darkest secrets of their wicked pasts. And one by one, they die…

A Plague of Zombies by Diana Gabaldon

Amazon Book Summary:

Lord John Grey, a lieutenant-colonel in His Majesty’s army, arrives in Jamaica with orders to quash a slave rebellion brewing in the mountains. But a much deadlier threat lies close at hand. The governor of the island is being menaced by zombies, according to a servant. Lord John has no idea what a zombie is, but it doesn’t sound good. It sounds even worse when hands smelling of grave dirt come out of the darkness to take him by the throat. Between murder in the governor’s mansion and plantations burning in the mountains, Lord John will need the wisdom of serpents and the luck of the devil to keep the island from exploding.

The White Witch of Rose Hall by Herbert G. De Lisser

Amazon Book Summary:

A very striking and curious story, founded on fact, of the West Indies of the early nineteenth century. Robert Rutherford is sent to the Islands to learn the planter's business from the bottom. He becomes an overseer at Rosehall, the property of a young widow, Mrs Palmer, whose three husbands have all died in curious circumstances. She takes a violent fancy to Rutherford, who is also embarrassed by the attentions of his half-caste housekeeper, Millicent.

His housekeeper is urging him, with some success, to fall in with West Indian habits, when Mrs. Palmer arrives. Millicent defies her and threatens her with the powers of Takoo, an Obeah man. Mrs. Palmer, herself skilled in Obeah magic, puts a spell on the girl, which Takoo's rites, shattered by the white woman's stronger magic, are powerless to remove.