Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy 1st Blogiversary!

I waited until today to discuss upcoming goals for my blog and for reading because today is the one year anniversary of my blog! It is exciting to think I started with the intention of making it two months and here we are 12 months later. 

I just wanted to share my thoughts on the books I read and I have....but I've gained so much too. A new world of blogging friends, writing skills, reading new kinds of books, and perseverance with something personal and creative. I am so excited to see where year 2 takes me. And thank you to anyone who has read or commented on my posts. It has been a lot of fun interacting with the bookish world. 

This year I'd like to continue my commitment to blog a minimum of twice a week and to participate in the following challenges and weekly discussions:

I also want to branch out with my reading and try new authors, more NetGalley requests (although not too many!) and not worry so much about reading all the sequels in order. And above all else have fun! Here are my current reads for January 2023:

-Sad Cypress by Agatha Christie

- Island of a Thousand Springs by Sarah Lark

- The Fourth Enemy by Anne Perry

-The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

-Voyager by Diana Gabaldon (this will be my third re-read of this book....I always have an Outlander re-read going. I just can't give these books up!)

Happy January reading everyone!


Saturday, December 31, 2022

Murder in the Snow by Verity Bright (A Lady Eleanor Swift Mystery) Book Four

Publication Date: November 16, 2020

Length: 274 pages

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Just in time for New Year's Eve and the last day of December 2022 I have completed a full season of these delightful mysteries!  When I discovered they were written with the setting for each season I thought that was pretty neat and am now looking forward to reading four per year during the matching time period until I've eventually caught up with all of them. This story takes place, of course, in winter and was just perfect in that I started reading it Christmas Eve and ended it New Year's Eve, roughly coinciding with the same days as the story itself. It was a great end to a great year of reading!

In this adventure, Eleanor and Clifford are hot on the trail of a murderer who has seemingly killed a local villager who has come to Henley Hall to partake in the Christmas Eve festivities along with those residents of Little Buckford. At the time of his death everyone assumed he had died during the fun run in the snow, seemingly from a heart attack. But as Eleanor and Clifford find clues revealing otherwise they begin to suspect that not only was he murdered, it was in a similar manner as the murder of Eleanor's Uncle, a case which was never fully proven nor solved. Eleanor feels particularly responsible as the crime occurred at her home during her party in which she was trying to show the townspeople how much they mean to her. When two more people are taken ill and have to be hospitalized with the same symptoms as the murder victim, Clifford and Eleanor have to work fast to make sure no one else is targeted. Along with the dashing Detective Seldon and the loyal staff of Henley Hall, they have plenty of willing help in their quest. 

Maybe it was because I was on Christmas vacation and totally relaxed, or maybe it was because I've grown attached to these characters, but I found myself smiling at how much I enjoyed this book as I finished it today. It had everything I love in a cozy mystery: a charming country setting, recurring characters with distinct personalities, a clever, unique murder method impossible to guess at, and two love interests vying for Ellie's affection. It is nice how the author sees fit to occasionally list the suspects and their motives so one doesn't get confused (as I sometimes do in other murder mysteries) and the short chapters make it easy to read even in the busiest of times. It's really the perfect type of story during the craziness that is the holiday season. 

When I reviewed the first book, A Very English Murder, I stated that the book was formulaic and that is true. But as I've continued with the series I've realized each one is very unique and that the author has taken a lot of effort to create a new setting and twists and turns in the story. So that formula works here. There are some cozy mysteries that become tedious in this area and I think it is because the characters and plot don't change a whole lot from book to book. These have just enough differences to make them fresh and enjoyable in their own way. I am already excited to read the next one, Mystery By the Sea, in March on my spring break. 

Now I'm off to celebrate New Year's Eve with my family and ring in 2023! Wishing you a safe and happy evening from Texas.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

All That is Hidden (A Molly Murphy Mystery: Book 19) by Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles


Publication Date: March 14, 2023

Length: 320 pages

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆

Thank you to NetGalley for loaning me this book for review.

This was my first book by Rhys Bowen to have read but I had heard of her before and knew she was very popular. Even though this is a series book I decided to just jump in and read the one being published this spring. I plan to eventually read the latest book in her other series, Royal Spyness. This is the continuing story of Molly Murphy, a housewife and mother who has come a long way from her days as a single gal newly arrived from Ireland. 

Molly is slowly adjusting to her quiet domestic life with her policeman husband, Daniel, and their son and foster daughter. She is retired from her former life of sleuthing and is Molly Sullivan now, living in Greenwich Village in a home she loves, albeit a simple one. When her husband tells her they are moving to a new home in the swanky area of Fifth Avenue with servants and plush surroundings she is bewildered. He also informs her he is running for the office of sheriff and will be closely aligned with Tammany Hall, a shady political organization. Molly eventually discovers it is all a cover for Daniel's real work, investigating corruption within the group.

When Big Bill McCormick, an important associate of Tammany, is murdered during his daughter's birthday party at his own mansion, Molly and Daniel along with their ward Bridie set out to discover why and who is involved. As they get to know the dysfunctional family and their many secrets, the mystery only deepens. Drawing on information obtained by Bridie's new friendship with the daughter, Blanche, and Molly's compassion for Bill's widow, they begin to form a picture of how Big Bill came to be at his desk, stabbed in the back. Strange happenings start to put them in harm's way and Daniel begins to wonder if this undercover scenario has been taken on at unnecessary risk to his family.

The book has a solid mystery that has a lot of twists and turns. I originally guessed at part of the storyline which turned out to be partially true with more added to it and was glad as I hate it when mysteries are too obvious. The author does a good job with an authentic setting and I learned a bit about the politics of the day and Tammany Hall. The behaviors of the servants in Molly's new home as well as the proper behaviors a lady of the manor should adopt were well done and served as an interesting backdrop to the murder plot. 

Maybe I'd have been more invested in Molly and her character if I'd read this series in order. It felt like I was missing a lot of her personal story and didn't have a real connection to her children either. Sometimes the writing was a bit simplistic and redundant but this was minor and didn't take away from the story too much. I'm thinking I want to go back and read the first book, Murphy's Law, to get a clearer picture of Molly's life before she meets her husband, Daniel. That may make me see this story in a new light. Overall I thought it was a fun, cozy mystery and would recommend it positively.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Can't Wait Wednesday: Dark Queen Wary by Paul Doherty

This is book 4 in the Margaret Beaufort mystery series. I had not come across the other books before so was excited to know there are more. I have precious little time to read all of an entire series, but if I really enjoy a book I want to go back to the beginning. Hopefully this one does not disappoint. 

Margaret Beaufort is a fascinating figure and I always associate her with the dark side of things in the Wars of the Roses. Perhaps this is unfair and perpetuated by the STARZ series, The White Queen and The White Princess, nevertheless I can realistically see her caught up in a mystery like this one.

March 7, 2023

Historical Fiction/Mystery, Thrillers

224 pages

Book description courtesy of NetGalley

1472. Edward IV reigns triumphant over England and his rivals, the Lancastrians. But he is uneasy, for one true claimant remains: the young Henry Tudor, son of Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond. Henry's continued existence worries Edward, so he hatches a plan to bring a cuckoo into the nest – an imposter prince is presented to Margaret Beaufort as her son.

Margaret is no fool and knows she must play this game of kings carefully . . . When she is invited to George Neville’s beautiful home ‘The Moor’ to help investigate some mysterious and gruesome murders she knows dark forces are at play. Whispers of a shadowy figure called Achitophel hang over the house's occupants, like the impenetrable mist that descended on the battle of Barnet the previous year and secured the crown for Edward. And as the body count increases, Margaret suspects there is a link to that fateful battle and the murderer who seems relentless in his thirst for blood . . .

Can Margaret protect her life as well as her true son’s claim to the throne?


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Recent Additions To My Book Collection (or books I plan to buy)


This week's Top Ten Tuesday is  "what books did Santa bring you for Christmas?" Or, alternatively, what books are you planning to buy with all those gift cards and money Santa brought you? Well not only did Santa bring me money for books, I got a brand new Kindle Paperwhite to read them on. So Merry Christmas to me! Of course I bought it and wrapped it without looking inside the Amazon box and then told my husband what he'd bought me. He was very surprised when I opened it on Christmas morning, ha! But I wanted to make sure I got the one I really wanted. Now I have the same dilemma I always have....I want ALL the books. 

Here are the ones I either received from someone in paperback form or plan to buy. Some are so new they are expensive so if I can get them through my online library app I will go there first. Happy Reading in 2023 everyone!

1. The Sun in Splendour by Jean Plaidy- The story of Edward IV and the Wars of the Roses comes to life in this novel which bears the same title as the Sharon Kay Penman book. I have read hers and want to see how Plaidy handles the story. This one is not available on Kindle so I'm excited to have bought a new paperback copy.

2. Peril in Paris by Rhys Bowen- Book number 16 in this cozy mystery series, Royal Spyness. I requested this on NetGalley but was declined, (oh well) so I just got my own copy. It looks like a lot of fun. Who doesn't love an international mystery set in Paris?

3. Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs- This story is a retelling of the story of Ruth from the Bible but set in Scotland during the 1745 Rising. I am definitely intrigued and excited to have discovered it. 

4. The Maid by Nita Prose- I read this is to be made into a movie and so I'd like to buy it and read it before I go see it.  Amazon says it is "a Clue-like locked room mystery and a heartwarming journey of the spirit." 

5. The Drowned City by K.J. Maitland- Book 1 of the Daniel Pursglove Mystery series set in the 17th century. The main character goes "underground to infiltrate a Catholic network and discovers a Jesuit conspiracy."

6. Mystery By the Sea: (A Lady Eleanor Swift Mystery- Book 5) by Verity Bright- I still have to finish Book 4 but I love this series so much there is no doubt I'll want the next one in line. In this book Eleanor travels to a resort in Brighton to enjoy some rest and relaxation, only to find herself embroiled in a mystery involving her former husband, who is supposed to be dead.

7. Black Flags, Blue Waters: The Epic Story of America's Most Notorious Pirates by Eric Jay Dolin- I love all things pirate and high seas. I started this book awhile ago and had to return it to the library, so I'd like to finish it. It is a great read covering the Golden Age of Piracy. 

8. The Rose and the Thistle by Laura Frantz- I mentioned this one last week for Can't Wait Wednesday.  This one is set during the 1715 Jacobite Rising and looks like a bit of a romance, which I'm normally not big on, but there seems to be enough mystery and history to make me want to buy it and read it. 

9. The Innkeeper and the Fugitive: Tales From the Highlands Book 3 by Martha Keyes- I have been meaning to get back to these books for a long time. There are four books in this series and I've read the first one. I already own book 2 but will probably go ahead and get book 3 just because I want to have it. Set in the Highlands of the 18th century they are more romance than mystery. The author does a great job with authenticity of the time and place so I really have enjoyed them so far. 

10. Secrets of the Nile by Tasha Alexander- I'm not sure about this one but will probably go ahead and get it. I love books set in Egypt so the cover and title alone were enough to hook me. It is a mystery involving murder, a Nile cruise, and ancient relics. Seems like an Agatha Christie or Elizabeth Peters type book and I love those!