Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish People I'd Like To Meet (My Favorite Authors List)

This week's Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, is to list something related to "Bookish People I'd Like To Meet." Of course there are a million fictional possibilities but I thought I'd list my favorite authors (those living!) that I'd love to meet if I could. What authors would you like to meet if you had the chance?

1. Anne Perry- The queen of historical mysteries set in the Victorian Era.

2. Diana Gabaldon- My favorite time travel author.

3. Ben Kane- Great author of historical fiction set in Ancient Rome, Medieval England, and now the Napoleonic Era with his upcoming novel.

4. Verity Bright- This is actually a husband and wife couple who write the cute Eleanor Swift mysteries

5. Janette Oak- Much loved writer of Christian fiction. She has written a huge, inspirational volume of stories.

6. John Jakes- My go to author for Civil War and founding of America fiction series. 

7. Michael Phillips- His Christian Stonewycke series really influenced me as a teen. Wonderful stories I'd like to read again someday.

8. Martha Keyes- New author writing fun, wholesome Regency romances and Scottish highlands sagas.

9. Alison Weir- Fabulous non-fiction writer whose brain I'd love to pick about how to research material. She is amazing with all the tidbits she finds.

10. Dan Jones- My other favorite non-fiction author who I've listened to on a podcast and found he had some great stories and insights to go along with his research.



Friday, March 3, 2023

Queens of the Crusades: England's Medieval Queens Book Two by Alison Weir

Publication Date:  February 23, 2021

Length:  560 pages

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆

This book is part two of a three part series on Medieval Queens. Book one deals with the conquest period and book three covers the age of chivalry. I already had purchased this one awhile ago when it was on sale and so that is why I started in the middle. Also, loving the Crusader period, I wanted to learn more about the wives of the Kings involved during this time. Alison Weir is known for being a solid researcher and her books cover her chosen subjects with depth and fidelity so I know I'm getting the facts, not embellished with her opinions. 

There are five sections: Eleanor of Aquitaine, Berengaria of Navarre, Isabella of Angouleme, Alienor of Provence, and Eleanor of Castile. Each queen either participated in the Crusades and, or, was Queen during the period of the Crusades. Some had husbands who joined the march to the Holy Land themselves but not all. Of course the most famous of them, Eleanor of Aquitaine, receives the most thorough treatment here but that is common when she is in the mix. I didn't mind because even though I know a lot about her life, there is always some new interesting fact I've not heard before.

The first section on Eleanor of Aquitaine picks up shortly after her meeting of Henry Plantagenet and continues into the next two sections on Berengaria and Isabella. Eleanor's long life meant that she was privy to the lives and marriages of these queens of her sons, Richard and John, and was heavily involved in the politics of the day right up until her last years. It is clear that Weir wants readers to hone in on just how influential she was after her release from captivity with her husband Henry's death and Richard's ascension. The tone of the book suggests just how impressive Eleanor was in her ability to rule when given the opportunity. 

When moving from Eleanor to the next three Queens, Weir concentrates more on their husbands. It is clear that there is just not much information on Berengaria, Isabella, or Alienor (Richard I, John, and Henry III's wives) because there was very scant attention to their upbringing and most of the sections focused on minor details such as their charities, religious leanings, and child bearing. I found that I learned much more about the governance of each King and how it affected the country than I did about their spouses but there was still an overall picture of the personalities of each woman: Berengaria presents as a kind, well loved but often neglected lady, Isabella a young naive girl who moved to a more selfish, scheming person in her second marriage to Hugh de Lusignan, and Alienor a devoted mother but often scorned by the country she ruled due to her Savoy relatives.

Eleanor of Castile was given the last section of twelve chapters, almost as much as the first Eleanor, which initially was a surprise. Not knowing much about her I assumed there would not be much more to cover about her than the three previous queens. Accompanying her husband Edward I on the crusades, Eleanor was a formidable woman who was well educated and clearly loved by her devoted spouse. She produced many royal offspring and was beloved by Edward long after her death. 

I enjoyed this book and although there were chapters I skimmed through if they focused heavily on details that didn't interest me, overall there was sold, unique information on each queen that I hadn't heard before. I often felt that Weir had little to go on for some of these women and had to stretch some related facts to the point of redundancy and tedium. Unfortunately, for the time this is too common and she had to use what she had and link it to their husbands lives in order to paint a thorough portrait. I plan to eventually read the other two books in the series and they are a great way to get a snapshot of these often forgotten queens of the middle ages. 


Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Genre Freebie- Historical Fiction Eras I've Never Read About


For this week's Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, the topic was a "genre freebie." So of course I have to post about my favorite genre: historical fiction. It's a very busy time right now....school, baseball, band, etc....so this week I needed to be short and sweet as I'm low on time! But I wanted to post on this topic because I just know my fellow bloggers will jump in and make it fun by giving me the books they've read set in these eras to broaden my reading. So here are the time periods I have never, ever read about in fiction. Give me all the books you recommend!

1. Pre-1066 Norman Invasion- I have not read anything prior to the conquest of England by William the Conqueror. It is not an era that appeals to me...the whole "Last Kingdom" time. I'm sure there are some great books about it though. Circa....600-1000 Britain.

2. Ancient Greece- Maybe I've never looked hard enough but there seems to be a shortage of good historical fiction for this time period. Or maybe it's because it's all battles and blood and not so much people. But surely I'm missing something!

3. Napoleonic Wars- On my Classics Club list I have a goal to read War and Peace but haven't been able to find a lot from this time period that interests me yet. 

4. Ancient Egypt- The Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George is the only book coming to mind that I've considered reading from this era. 

5. Irish Republican Army conflict- I am sure there are some fabulous books about this topic/era that I'm missing. 

6. Korean War- There is not a single book that springs to mind about this time period. It's often forgotten in the world of novels. 

7. Scotland prior to 1300's- Pre- Robert the Bruce time period I haven't seen much but there are probably some books there.

8. The Roaring Twenties- Now full disclaimer....I have read The Great Gatsby which would technically fall during this time period. But other than that one, I can't recall another historical fiction book in this category. 

9. 1400-1600's Italy- I know there are some great books about this period. Jean Plaidy has a series of novels about the DeMedici family and I'm sure there are lots more but I haven't tackled this era yet.

10. Pre- Crusdades Middle East- Wow...now this would be a great era to know more about through fiction. I would love to know more about the stories of those living there prior to 1100 when their world changed with the coming of the Franks.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie: A Tommy and Tuppence Collection (Read Christie 2023 February Selection)

Publication Date: 1929

Length: 214 pages

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

When I started this book for the Read Christie challenge this month, I had no idea it was a series of short stories. I wasn't thrilled as I'm not a big fan of short stories or novellas. I just find it is hard to get into the characters and storyline when it is such a short piece. But I was pleasantly surprised by this book and thought it worked well. Having never read any Tommy and Tuppence books before I knew nothing about them and it was a great way to get small glimpses into their relationship. 

When the book begins, Tommy and Tuppence Beresford have been asked to pose as owners of the International Detective Agency. Their old friend, Mr. Carter, who works for the government has asked Tommy to pretend to be Mr. Theodore Blunt and for Tuppence to be his assistant. They are to continue taking on legitimate cases while also looking for any information regarding the whereabouts of enemy spies that need to be apprehended. They also have an assistant named Albert to help them. Throughout the book as they solve current cases, the couple uses the style of different famous detectives to help them, ambitiously guaranteeing a resolution within 24 hours. Even Hercule Poirot's style makes an appearance in one story.

With seventeen stories this book is impressive. Christie's clever clues and use of the methods of a different detective each time are entertaining. For Read Christie February the focus was on the method of murder with a blunt object although with so many stories this didn't factor in every time. Rather than review them all, and they are short enough that reviewing them too in depth gives away far too much of the plots, I will give honorable mention to a few of my favorites. All can be read separately and and contain witty dialogue, suspense, and just enough depth to be puzzling. The banter between Tommy and Tuppence is adorable and I thought they came across as an authentically loving couple.

"The Case of the Missing Lady" involving an explorer who has returned home to find his fiancee missing, "The House of Lurking Death" with a mysterious, scripture quoting woman and poison as the murder weapon, and " The Unbreakable Alibi" where a man takes on a challenge to win the woman he loves, were the ones I enjoyed most. These all had a touch of either humor or originality that stuck with me. It is hard to choose though because each case was so different and unique. Tying in the idea of a famous detective's handprint to the solution was brilliant. I honestly hadn't heard of most of them and it made me want to read their mystery stories as well. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will be reading more of Tommy and Tuppence in the future. The last page was heartwarming and a perfect conclusion to their cases. 


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Can't Wait Wednesday: The King's Jewel by Elizabeth Chadwick


For this week's Can't Wait Wednesday, hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings, I am excited to feature The King's Jewel by Elizabeth Chadwick. I have yet to read one of her books (still working my way through other novels from the same periods) but I am determined to read one this year and review it. This one really appeals to me because it is set in Wales in 1093 which is a rare find in novels and features a real person in the character of Prince Rhys of Deheubarth's daughter, Nesta. 

April 18, 2023

Historical Fiction

Book description courtesy of Amazon

Wales, 1093.

The warm, comfortable family life of young Nesta, daughter of Prince Rhys of Deheubarth is destroyed when her father is killed and she is taken hostage. Her honor is further tarnished when she is taken as an unwilling concubine by King William's ruthless younger brother Henry, who later ascends the throne under suspicious circumstances.

Gerald FitzWalter, an ambitious young knight is rewarded for his unwavering loyalty to his new King with Nesta's hand in marriage. He is delighted, having always admired her from afar, but Nesta's only comfort is her return to her beloved Wales where cannot she help but be tempted by the handsome, charismatic and dangerous son of the Welsh prince, Owain. When he offers her the chance to join him in his plan to overthrow Norman rule she must choose between her duty and her desire . . .